NoBullying releases a Guide to Teenagers Bullying
London, UK (PRWEB) July 22, 2014 -- It is not a simple task to be a teenager. With raging hormones and awkward social interactions contributing to a chaotic feeling of impending youth, adding bullying and peer pressure can turn a teenager's life can to a recipe for disaster. NoBullying releases a guide to teenagers bullying.
The guide defines at first what is bullying and how it contributes to emotional abuse and an uneasy path through life.
Teenagers' bullying actions can include, but are not limited to, threatening or demeaning behaviors meant to belittle or target someone and hostile cyber bullying texts. Those actions can also include obsessive calls, stalking, internet stalking, harassment, social media attacks and name calling. Other berating behaviors can also include physical intimidation and even more overt physical acts of violence and abuse.
The guide also lists where bullying is most common in the United States and around the world as well as tips for parents on teaching children how to cope with being bullied.
The moment a child starts feeling a sense of importance and popularity without having a lot to to do with achievements or personal traits is one of the main causes behind turning into a bully. Being seen as a leader will attract friends to join the bully's bullying group, thus giving the bully more power and attention, which is exactly what he/she needs.
Another major factor in bullying is self esteem. Self esteem issues can also contribute to bullying dynamics. For a teenager, bullying can seem like an easy solution to raise low self esteem. This is not a conscious decision, but an underlying desire to undercut others to make themselves feel more powerful.
The guide also warns against the effects of child abuse. With a violent upbringing, a child growing up in an environment of parental bullying can make him/her more inclined to lash out against others. It is also a recipe for adult bullying other adults in the future.
Knowing what to look for in adolescent behavior as well as proper preventative education and a strong dialog between caregivers are all needed attributes to minimize the damage of such behaviors. Bullying may be unavoidable in some cases, but adults have the power to protect and minimize the damage potentially happening to teens.
The guide is one call to action for parents, educators and health professionals to campaign strongly against all sorts of bullying.
Macartan Mulligan, Co-Founder of, said “Bullying isn’t just hitting someone in the schoolyard, sometimes bullying can be in the form of spreading evil rumors or saying unkind words. All sorts of bullying need to stop today. ”
He added that parents and teachers should make a point to educate the younger generations about the sad outcome of bullying online and offline. According to Mulligan, it is quite imperative to press for more firm laws condemning all acts of bullying and harassment. features many pages dedicated to parents, teens, teachers, health professionals as well as posts related to cyber safety and the latest news about law making concerning curbing Bullying worldwide as well as inspirational Bullying Poems and famous Bullying Quotes.
The website regularly updates its bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics as it is essential to understand how widespread the bullying epidemic is. It also regularly runs cyber bullying surveys and questionnaires to get recent updated statistics on everything related to cyberbullying.
He also added that anyone suffering from bullying in any form or way can always find advice and help on the NoBullying website – but if anyone is suffering from severe bullying or cyber bullying, the best thing is to talk to someone locally – a parent, teacher or local organization that has been set up to help with specialized councilors to deal with this topic.
Ciaran Connolly, Treze Ltd,, 0044-289-581-0610, [email protected]
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