NoBullying Releases HeadsUp, a Real Solution to the Epidemic of Cyber Bullying and Online Harassment
London, UK (PRWEB) February 19, 2015 -- The beta version of HeadsUp,’s cyber bullying and online harassment alert platform, has been released into the market this week, signalling a new stage for the website’s battle against cyber bullying and online harassment. After years of leading ‘The Movement Against Bullying’, the founders of felt the urge to take a further step towards protecting children and teens from the dangers of the Internet while keeping their privacy in mind, giving rise to the HeadsUp platform.
The HeadsUp mission is two-fold: to help anyone suffering from cyber bullying through providing a concrete sustainable solution as well as offering advice and education.
NoBullying feels that HeadsUp can make a real difference in everyone’s online safety and how parents can protect their loved ones from cyber bullying, since many parents, teens and youth are suffering daily from the ramifications of negative online activity.
Parents play a critical role in educating, protecting, and empowering young children to be safe in the world today – both offline and online. But it is hard to keep up to date on all things digital and especially knowing what children are doing online all the time. Sadly many parents do not know if their child is safe online and assume that if they’re not speaking about problems then none exist.
What HeadsUp basically does is that it allows parents to be notified via HeadsUp alerts when their children are facing or showing signs of negative activity within their social media accounts. The alerts monitor things like cyber bullying, inappropriate intimacy, mood change, and activity at inappropriate times. It doesn’t invade children’s privacy and allows them to interact freely with their friends online without feeling “monitored” by their parents.
During the design phase, the founders of HeadsUp consulted numerous psychologists who advised them that trust is a key point in a parent-child relationship, which is why HeadsUp only allows parents to see negative interactions and does not allow access to entire social media activity, thus protecting children’s online privacy.
HeadsUp also offers an extensive blog featuring helpful tips and techniques on dealing with cyber bullying, online harassment or even bullying in school. It also educates parents and teachers on cyber safety and how to understand the terms children and teens are using online.
Ciaran Connolly, Co Founder of says, “While we continue to focus on cyber bullying awareness and education every day, we felt that parents are facing a real issue with monitoring the negative online activity their children may be part of on a daily basis. This is where HeadsUp came from”.
He added that parents and teachers should make a point to educate the younger generations about the sad outcome of neglecting one’s safety online. According to Connolly, it is quite imperative to press for more firm laws condemning all acts of online bullying and cyber harassment.
For more information about dealing with Cyber Bullying, continues to feature many pages dedicated to parents, teens, teachers, health professionals as well as posts related to cyber safety and the latest news about laws addressing Cyber Bullying worldwide, and helpline resources.
Both websites regularly update their cyber bullying statistics as it is essential to understand how widespread the cyber bullying epidemic is.
Connolly also added, “Anyone suffering from bullying in any shape or form can always find advice and help on the NoBullying website. If anyone is suffering from severe emotional distress, depression or suicidal thoughts as a result of bullying or harassment it is best to learn more about the subject as well as speak to a trusted person such as a family member or specialized counselor.
Ciaran Connolly, Treze Ltd,, 0044-289-581-0610, [email protected]
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