Nominations Open for the Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits Developments of Distinction Awards
San Franciso (PRWEB) June 29, 2015 -- Nominations are being accepted for the 2015 round of the annual Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits Developments of Distinction Awards. The awards recognize outstanding affordable rental housing developed using the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) and/or tax credit developments using U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) financing. Nominations for the 2015 Developments of Distinction Awards will be accepted until Sept. 17, 2015. Winning development teams will be honored in a ceremony at the Novogradac Tax Credit Developers Conference, on Jan. 7, 2016, in Miami Beach, Fla.
“The Developments of Distinction Awards honor developers who create or preserve quality, affordable housing attainable for working families,” said Susan Wilson, conference chairwoman and partner in Novogradac’s Austin, Texas office. “We look forward to recognizing their accomplishments and highlighting the importance of affordable housing development resources.”
Affordable rental housing properties will be evaluated for the 2015 Developments of Distinction Awards in the following categories:
• LIHTC Development that Best Exemplifies Major Community Impact
• LIHTC Development that Best Reflects Market Success in Overcoming Significant Obstacles
• LIHTC Development that Best Demonstrates Financial Innovation
• LIHTC Development that Best Preserves Existing Affordable Rental Housing
Nominations for 2015 awards are open to all developers with LIHTC transactions that closed in 2014 or 2015. A nominating entity may nominate multiple developments, and/or suggest nominations for more than one category. Judges will determine to which category the nominated entity is best suited.
Winners receive:
• One complimentary entry to the conference to receive the award;
• Coverage of the property in the Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits;
• Copies of the Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits to share with industry contacts; and
• Recognition on the Novogradac & Company website and in a national press release about the event.
• A press release for distribution.
Nomination materials and more details about the Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits Developments of Distinction Awards are available at
In addition to the Developments of Distinction Awards, the Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits conducts several awards programs designed to recognize excellence in affordable housing, community development, historic rehabilitation and renewable energy. Nominations for each program are open year-round and more information can be found at
The Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits provides news, analysis and commentary on the affordable housing, new markets, renewable energy and historic rehabilitation tax credit industries. This comprehensive 80-page monthly publication features columns written by industry experts, Q&As on technical tax credit issues, features about tax credit developments and more, all informed by Novogradac and Company’s more than 25 years of experience on the front lines of the tax credit industry.
Novogradac began operations in 1989, and the allied group of Novogradac companies has since grown to more than 500 employees and partners with offices in San Francisco, Walnut Creek and Long Beach, Calif.; Dover, Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio; St. Louis; Boston; New York; Chicago; Austin, Texas; Portland, Ore.; Naples, Fla., and the greater metropolitan areas of Philadelphia; Washington, D.C.; Atlanta; Detroit; Kansas City, Mo.; and Seattle.
Specialty practice areas include tax, audit and consulting services for tax-credit-assisted multifamily and affordable housing, community revitalization and rehabilitation of historic properties. Other areas of expertise include military base redevelopment, preparation and analysis of market studies and appraisals of multifamily housing investments and renewable energy tax credits.
For more information about the Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits Developments of Distinction Awards, please contact Alexandra Bernard at (415) 356-7627, or by email at Alex(dot)Bernard(at)novoco(dot)com.
Alex Bernard, Novogradac & Company LLP,, +1 (415) 356-7627, [email protected]
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