November Sees Record Cosmetic Procedures Demand in Australia for Dr Lanzer
(PRWEB) November 20, 2013 -- Summer is approaching in Australia; with the inevitable extra exposure of skin to the elements, people are naturally conscious of their appearance. Cosmetic surgeon Daniel Lanzer says people often give consideration to a procedure for years before taking the next step. This year, though, there has been unprecedented growth in enquiries especially during the warmer days of spring.
Weight loss and body reshaping are still the No. 1 procedures people inquire about. Dr. Daniel Lanzer was recently featured as an expert cosmetic surgeon on SBS’s Insight program, which assessed trends in men having cosmetic surgery and also asked him to explain the factors involved in preparing patients.
A few of Dr. Lanzer’s patients was featured. One removed his top to show off his new six-pack body shape, created with Vaser Hi Definition Liposculpture. Dr. Lanzer was the first surgeon in Australia and one of only a few specialists trained by the US doctors who pioneered the procedure.
Liposuction can be used:
• To remove fat from areas such as hips and stomach to make a patient slimmer
• To treat most areas of the body in a “full body sculpture”
• To remove a resistant area of fat such as on the outer thighs
• To reshape the stomach for an athletic appearance in men and women
• For breast reduction in both men and women
• For neck tightening
The most common procedure Dr. Lanzer sees patients for is body and neck liposculpture. He has performed more than 10,000 cases of liposuction and says he can accurately predict results and outcomes. Dr. Lanzer says the use of “tumescent” fluid application changed the safety profile of procedures like liposuction. It is used in breast augmentation, facelift surgery and tummy tucks. A major development in body liposculpture has been the ability to remove fat in a way that enhances the body’s muscular appearance.
Dr. Lanzer has refined this method over the past few years and it can be done while the patient is awake or under a light anaesthetic. Patients today generally ask for procedures with the least down time, fewest risks and what they perceive as a natural result. Dr. Lanzer says the term “natural” usually meant how they looked 10 years ago. He says the use of lasers in eyelid rejuvenation, wrinkle removal and skin tightening could produce this result.
Many patients wish to undergo a facelift to rejuvenate their facial features. Dr. Lanzer says facelift surgery is not just one procedure, and there are multiple ways to lift and rejuvenate the face and neck.
These procedures include:
• Skin suture lift (not cutting away of skin)
• Mini facelift (a limited surgical lift)
• Deep facelift,
• Stem-cell facelift (using a patient’s own fat cells and Dr Lanzer’s fat banking facility),
• Ulthera (non-surgical ultrasound wave),
• Liposculpture of the neckand jowls.
Dr. Lanzer has been one of the pioneers of the stem-cell facelift in Australia. Fat cells are rich in stem cells which are useful in facial rejuvenation. Dr. Lanzer implants microdroplets of a patient’s own refined fat cells into the face. The new fat-cell cosmetic bank allows patients to store their own fat for future use.
Skin texture is another cosmetic area that interests patients at this time of the year. There are many options and levels of treatment. Dr. Lanzer says the most effective treatment is the Contour Erbium laser resurfacing. Dr. Lanzer states that with this procedure “the skin heals within a week and is smooth, blemish free and can appear over ten years younger.”
Our new website website contains detailed information, real patient results and many videos explaining how Dr. Lanzer pioneered procedures and helped introduce cosmetic options into Australia.
Dr. Lanzer offers free no obligation advice based on more than 25 years’ experience.
Contact us for a free, no obligation cosmetic surgery consultation:
Phone: 1800 444 333, email: info(at)drlanzer(dot)com(dot)au and online at
Danny Lanzer, Dr Lanzer,, 1800 444 333, [email protected]
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