O-Town Sound Chorus Brings Home 5th Place Harmony Classic Medal, Opens Its Doors to New Members
Orlando, Fla. (PRWEB) October 27, 2017 -- O-Town Sound, the award-winning women’s a cappella barbershop chorus has placed 5th in the world among mid-sized choruses at the Sweet Adelines International Harmony Classic competition held in Las Vegas, Nevada earlier this month. Sweet Adelines International, one of the world’s largest singing organizations for women, welcomed top barbershop a cappella choruses and quartets from the United States and around the world to its 71st annual international convention and competition, Oct. 9-14, at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino. Competition performances were also livestreamed around the world.
Barbershop as an art form is considered one of the most challenging vocal styles a singer can master. As the four voice parts harmonize, an overtone vibration, a resonant ring that differs from any tone being sung by the individual voices, is heard. This overtone produces a visceral experience and is unique only to four-part barbershop harmonies!
O-Town Sound is directed by Master Director, Kay Webb and is currently the 2017 third place medalists in Region 9, (comprised of twenty choruses in Florida and South Carolina). The Chorus is now welcoming new members and will hold an Open House Rehearsal for potential new members on Monday, November 13th from 6:30pm to 10pm. The evening is free and will include performances by the chorus, barbershop quartets and a chance for potential members to join the chorus on the risers and learn new music.
O-Town Sound is based in Orlando, FL but its members come from 11 counties from coast to coast. Rehearsals are held every Monday from 7pm to 10pm at the Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church, 3900 S. Hiawassee Road in SW Orlando. For more information about how to join or hire O-Town Sound visit http://www.otschorus.com or find us on facebook, Twitter or YouTube.
Tricia Zichello, O-Town Sound, http://www.otschorus.com, +1 9176018866, [email protected]
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