Oh Crap! App Addresses Police Accountability During Traffic Stops And More
West Des Moines, IA (PRWEB) June 20, 2016 -- Creating better experiences between citizens and law enforcement in all 50 states, Oh Crap! is a free app available on the App Store and the Google Play Store that was developed by a group of Iowa-based attorneys in 2015 to hold police more accountable. Oh Crap! Version 4.0 now offers a brand new chat feature called CrapChat, where users can post and receive notifications about community events as well as speed traps, roadblocks, and other law enforcement activities.
“Oh Crap! is something that we created to make legal advice more accessible to the general public, especially when stopped by the police,” said Oh Crap! Co-Founder, Bob Rehkemper. “Traffic stops don’t have to be a stressful situation. Our app is an upgrade to legal advice cards. We’re providing real-time support as well as an interactive community that keeps citizens aware and helps to avoid unfortunate situations nationwide.”
With features including audio recording, state-specific legal rights, and local lawyer and bail bondsmen contacts, Oh Crap! equips users with the tools to go out, have fun, be smart, and be safe. Users can access legal help as well as a recording function and recordings can be saved to access for future reference.
Oh Crap! is the perfect go-to resource when it comes to police interaction. Rehkemper and his legal partners developed the app with a main focus on prevention through education and a goal to address the lack of accountability of law enforcement officials who abuse their power.
Now that Oh Crap! Version 4.0 is available with its new CrapChat function, drivers who are confronted by law enforcement no longer have to worry about their interactions going undocumented, contacting legal support, or notifying other drivers in the area about what happened.
Oh Crap! is free and available for download in the App Store and the Google Play Store. To learn more about Oh! Crap, please visit: http://www.oh-crap-app.com.
About Oh Crap!
Oh Crap! is a free app for iPhone and Android that was developed by Iowa-based attorneys in 2015 to hold police accountable during traffic stops and other interactions with citizens. With a focus on prevention and education, the app provides drivers with a comprehensive resource for legal support, documenting police interactions, local traffic warnings, local events and more. Encouraging users to go out, have fun, be smart, and get home safe, Oh Crap! is the go-to resource for police interaction and driver safety on the go. To learn more about Oh Crap please visit: http://www.oh-crap-app.com.
Jasmine Mitchell, People Making Good PR, +1 8572844826, [email protected]
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