OIL & GAS UK Discuss New Offshore Well Intervention Technology
Aberdeen, UK (PRWEB UK) 22 January 2014 -- Offshore well intervention has become critical to the economic recovery of North Sea reserves. However, erratic well behavior, unpredictable conditions and a changing regulatory landscape coupled with key technical challenges cause routine overruns and project abandonments - at huge expense to the operator. Global intervention costs are now expected to rocket from $9.97bn in 2013 to $17.48bn in 2018.
To tackle this issue, Oil & Gas UK’s Dr Andrew Leonard will spearhead a strategy to accelerate new technology deployment, resulting in greater offshore efficiencies.
Last week, Oil & Gas UK and Offshore Network discussed the implications of this strategy for North Sea intervention operations. The results of the interview are of huge benefit and value for anyone involved in this sector.
Details of this discussion include:
• The need to introduce new technologies that can mitigate economic and operational risk
• The concerns operator’s face when introducing new technology to field operations
• Future strategies to develop and introduce new technologies
• An assessment of the need to accelerate new technological innovation
You can access the full interview at http://bit.ly/wellint.
Dr Leonard will also be addressing this issue alongside BG Group, Shell, Tullow Oil, HSE, PSA, Halliburton, Expro and many other presenters at the Offshore Well Intervention Conference in Aberdeen (15-16 April).
This operator lead conference also has confirmed attendance from BP, Total, EnQuest, Helix Well Ops, Island Offshore, ITF and many more.
For more information, please contact Tommy Angell on the below details.
Tommy Angell
Director | Offshore Network Ltd.
t: +44 (0) 203 411 9184 | e: tangell(at)offsnet(dot)com
Tommy Angell, Offshore Network LTD., http://interventioneu.offsnetevents.com/, +44 203 411 9184, [email protected]
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