One20 Activities Planned Across the Nation for Inauguration Day
Austin, Texas (PRWEB) January 17, 2017 -- One20 is a nonpartisan initiative that affirms and reinforces our community principles and values on inauguration day after the disheartening 2016 presidential election. Activities are planned in cities across the country including Austin, Chicago, Dallas, and Denver.
One20 is a call to action to gather a community, agree on a good works idea, plan the work, and do the good works on January 20. Start today and encourage others to do the same.
The activities planned so far include:
- Fundraisers to provide refugee families with laptops to learn English and for children’s school work
- Community trash clean up and fun run/walk at 6am at Ramsey Park on January 20
- Breakfast served to the staff of Helping Hand Home for Children on inauguration day and service projects provided to the Home on a long-term basis. It is the goal of Helping Hand Home to protect and restore the lives of victimized children so they may reclaim their futures and reach their full potential.
- Volunteer work at Manos de Cristo Dental Center helping patients fill out forms, assisting with childcare, and help with office filing
- Zavala Elementary School volunteer project offers participants 20 minute periods to assist the school librarian on January 20. Sign up sheets for the designated time slots are available here at a special One20 designated Google Doc for interested parties. Ninety-nine percent of current students come from ethnic minority families and 92% come from economically disadvantaged homes.
- Friends are gathering to implement One Day: 20 Acts of Kindness
- Collecting donations of new socks, underwear, hats, gloves, hand warmers, ponchos, and mini Kleenex packages in partnership for CitySquare who provides food, health, housing and outreach services to the poor. Ten drop locations are available throughout Dallas, including co-working space locations, schools, churches, and businesses.
- Putting together care packages of socks, granola bars, mints, money, gloves and other foods for the homeless
- Passing out wool socks to homeless and other acts of kindness
Planning for One20 activities in other cities is underway as we approach inauguration day this Friday, January 20th.
Susanne Harrington, a mom and small business owner in Austin, Texas, started a Facebook group announcing One20 on November 9th, 2016. People from Austin to Dallas to Seattle to Chicago to Miami — and internationally — joined, invited friends, and offered ideas and a desire to start local efforts under the One20 umbrella. Jon Mertz, a former client and friend to Susanne and her husband, recognized that the idea could spark people to do good well beyond January 20th and is serving as co-leader of the initiative.
More about the founding of One20 in recent articles published in the Austin American Statesman and the Chicago Tribune.
Join us on Inauguration Day and show our better side by doing good works.
One20 is using social media to keep people up to date about the initiative. There is a Facebook page: One20Today, a website:, and homes on Instagram: one20today, and Twitter: @One20Today.
About One20
One20 began after the 2016 election as a neighborhood initiative born of the desire to show one another—and our children—a degree of civility and cooperation that seemed to be slipping away. So we came together from both sides of the aisle to create One20 and inspire others to come together and make our world a little better than before.
We hope to create a national community to inspire our fellow Americans, regardless of political affiliations, and show the power of positive action.
Be the change. Join us in taking action this One20, and cause a corresponding positive ripple in your world. More information about One20 can be found here.
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Kent Nutt, One20,, +1 512.422.0552, [email protected]
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