Online pharmacy gives Sexual health advice in the run up to Valentine’s Day
Bury, Lancashire (PRWEB UK) 11 February 2015 -- Last week Medical Specialists® Pharmacy urged the nation to think about their heart health, but now with only three days left until Valentine’s Day, perhaps everyone should also consider their sexual health as the traditional day of romance fast approaches.
Valentine’s Day is a day that has its roots in a variety of legends that have found their way through the ages to the present day, where couples all around the world display their love with the exchange of romantically written cards, flowers or chocolates with messages of love.
For those that predict their Valentine’s Day celebrations leading to passion by the close of the evening, now is the time to be considering sexual health, not just during the next few days, but beyond too.
After all, I think we can all agree that the only things partners wish to be sharing are happiness, laughter and romantic moments, and not a sexual transmitted infection (STI) or an unplanned pregnancy. These are the two primary major risks however from a failure to both use condoms and other contraceptive methods. Perhaps the risk of a STI is low from a long-term partner, but what about the nation’s singletons going out on the town this weekend?
Valentine’s weekend plus the added factor of alcohol, has the potential recipe for disaster, with the chances of unprotected, risky, casual sex undoubtedly skyrocketing. Remember, people should go with their instincts regarding having sex for the first time, or having sex with a new partner for the first time, and decide what is right. In addition to the risk of STIs or an unwanted pregnancy, there is also emotional aspects of engaging in sexual intercourse at a stage too early, such as feeling used, developing low self-esteem, and some people even end up resenting themselves for it.
STIs are transmitted from one person to another through having unprotected sex or by genital contact. The most common types of STIs in the UK include chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV and AIDs. NHS Choices provide an excellent comprehensive list of the wide range of different sexually transmitted infections and their symptoms, but many infections that do show symptoms (not all do), tend to rear their ugly head in one or more of the following ways:
. Unusual vaginal discharge.
. Unusual discharge from the tip of the penis.
. Pain and/or bleeding during sex.
. Pain/burning sensation when urinating.
. Bleeding after sex.
. Bleeding between periods.
. Blisters, itches, lumps or rashes around the genitals or anus.
. Pain or tenderness in the testicles.
As mentioned previously, the most effective way of reducing the chance of contracting any STI is through the use of condoms, and with Medical Specialists® now offering a pack of 48 Durex Performa condoms for the staggeringly low price of just £14.90 through their Amazon page, there is no reason to not ‘go equipped’ for Valentine’s Day and for the long-term after then.
Anyone who is deeply concerned they might have picked up a STI through unprotected sex can visit any sexual health clinic, genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic or GP surgery and be tested for a variety of infections such as HIV and perhaps the most common STI in the UK, chlamydia.
It is clear that not everybody is comfortable actually going down to their local sexual health clinic for a check-up, but infections like chlamydia can lead to serious complications such as infertility, if left untreated by antibiotics such as Azithromycin or Doxycycline.
Alternatively, Medical Specialists® provide the Clamelle chlamydia test kit that people can actually use in the comfort of their own home and simply post off for a quick analysis and result, avoiding the time and potential embarrassment issue of having to personally attend a clinic for a check-up for chlamydia.
To sum up, the three main factors to ensure a healthy Valentine’s weekend are being aware of your partner’s sexual history, making sure to use a condom, and finally, if things don’t exactly go to plan and there is sex involved with a new or casual partner, get tested/treated if needed.
If women believe they might be pregnant, there is the option of the emergency contraceptive morning after pill Levonelle 1500, which if taken within three days (72 hours) of unprotected sex, will usually prevent a pregnancy. However, women will need to speak to their doctor for more information about taking it within five days (120 hours) of having unprotected sex.
Although it may seem like too much risk even bothering to have sex after all these sexual health risks, the most romantic day of the year can still be enjoyed with the correct approach and more consideration about the sexual health of you and your partner.
Those that are without a boyfriend or girlfriend at the moment, there are millions of other people around the world in the same boat and just think of all the money saved from not having to buy expensive presents! Nobody should feel pressured into doing anything they don’t want to do, purely to appease others. Last be not least, Medical Specialists® would like to wish everybody a happy and safe Valentine’s Day!
David Bailey, Medical Specialists® Pharmacy,, +44 161 762 9108, [email protected]
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