Op-Ed Highlights Failure of Texas Tort Reform
Houston, Texas (PRWEB) October 24, 2013 -- October 23, 2013 – A new opinion editorial from Mark McCaig focuses on the social and economic destruction caused by the tort reform movement in Texas.
McCaig, the president and co-founder of Texans for Individual Rights (TXIR), notes that the medical and insurance industries have benefited substantially, often at the expense of legitimate claims. The op-ed gives special attention to medical malpractice lawsuits that were limited by state legislation in 2003. McCaig says the effect of tort reform has been devastating and has removed viable options for addressing legitimate malpractice claims.
“Over the past decade, numerous Texans who have been harmed by medical errors have found themselves without recourse because ‘tort reform’ has made it economically impossible for lawyers to accept legitimate medical malpractice cases,” McCaig writes. “Many of these individuals are forced to turn to public assistance programs, leaving taxpayers with the bill instead of the negligent medical provider.”
A conservative with a long history of political activity, McCaig argues that the Texas tort reform movement violates the principles of personal responsibility espoused by conservatives.
“Indeed, most would agree that if one causes harm to another, even if by accident, they should be held accountable for their actions and fully compensate the injured party for the harm done to them,” McCaig adds. “The passage of ‘tort reform’ laws in Texas has created a special class of citizens who no longer have to face the same consequences for their wrongdoing as the average Texan does.”
The op-ed concludes by discussing research conducted by the University of Texas and others that contradict many of the supposed benefits of tort reform. The number of practicing physicians in the state has not increased as a result of tort reform. Tort reform legislation has also failed to lower health care costs, despite assurances from politicians and supporters that savings would follow its passage.
Click the link download a copy of Mark McCaig’s tort reform op-ed: http://txir.org/uploads/10-Years-of-Texas-Tort-Reform.pdf
Please visit http://www.txir.org to learn more information about Texans for Individual Rights. Learn more about the leading proponents of the tort reform agenda through #StopTRL http://www.stoptlr.com.
About Texans for Individual Rights and Mark McCaig
Texans for Individual Rights (TXIR) seeks to use sound public policy to promote conservative principles. The TIR promotes individual property rights, personal accountability, and limited government. The group is committed to defending these principles against wealthy special interests that seek to promote their agenda at the expense of taxpayers.
Mark McCaig is the President of TXIR and a former member of the State Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Texas.
Mark McCaig, Texans for Individual Rights, http://www.txir.org, +1 281-222-0585, [email protected]
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