OverallHealth.org Releases New Review of RealDose Nutrition's Popular Omega-3 TG Product
(PRWEB) July 17, 2014 -- Omega-3 essential fatty acids are booming in popularity among those seeking to lose weight, promote longevity, improve mood, decrease anxiety, and prime the body to naturally exist in a better condition to burn fat and retain good health.
In light of this burgeoning trend, Dr. Steven Sisskind, Chief Medical Officer for RealDose Nutrition, delivers a vital message regarding Omega-3 in this recent demonstration. If a picture is truly worth a thousand words, fish oil consumers should take a quick moment to check out this critical (short) video presentation.
Sisskind’s premise is that, firstly, it is truly critical to supplement fish oil (Omega-3) along with what the average person consumes in a day, especially in the typical Western diet. But even more importantly is getting the right brand of Omega-3.
This latter point is most critical, because the wrong form of Omega-3 can have the opposite effect of what an efficient fatty acid supplement will accomplish. Rather than prime the body for accelerated fat loss while improving longevity, stimulating good moods, and suppressing anxiety, the wrong supplement will cause inflammation. The body cannot, will not burn fat in a state of inflammation.
Such is why the Styrofoam cup demonstration is so effective. It clearly demonstrates what occurs upon consumption of most so-called fish oil supplements on the shelf today, in contrast to the RealDose Nutrition brand, Super Critical Omega-3 TG.
There are two final points, also critically important, we wish to briefly impart before referring you to Sisskind’s detailed explanation.
The first is that getting enough Omega-3’s can reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome – a set of risk factors associated with obesity, diabetes, heart disease and early death – almost in half.
Additionally, Omega-3’s help regulate your cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes accumulation of fat in the belly area. When you reduce cortisol levels you are able to get rid of dangerous belly fat and keep it off.
According to a recent study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, subjects who took the real dose of omega-3 fatty acids every day over a 6 week period lost fat and gained attractive lean muscle… without changing their diet or exercise habits at all.
We’ll leave the gritty details to Sisskind, but consumers beware that the wrong form of omega-3 (most of the off-the-shelf brands) are not only gravely deficient in dose, but also in a chemical form that the body cannot digest and absorb.
About whyamifat.org: Webmaster Randy Johnson has been interested in weight management and fitness for many years now, but for so long had failed to see the forest from the trees. It wasn't until a recent in-the-mirror "jolt" that brought him to the consciousness of his personal failure with nutrition and exercise, as evidenced by the guy in the mirror. Ever since, Johnson has been dedicated to immersing himself in the science and self-activism of staying fit and healthy, and this website is his "journal."
Henry Rearden, overallhealth.org, http://overallhealth.org, +1 (888) 250-3950, [email protected]
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