Pixel Film Studios Released a New Text Plugin ProMessage Volume 2 Exclusively for Final Cut Pro X
Aliso Viejo, California (PRWEB) January 15, 2015 -- Developers of FCPX plugins and theme templates have announced the release of a new text overlay for Final Cut Pro X entitled ProMessage Volume 2 from Pixel Film Studios
“ProMessage Volume 2 allows users add pop up text bubbles over video to illustrate a texting conversation.” Said Christina Austin, CEO of Pixel Film Studios. “ProMessage Volume 2 was professionally designed to add level of professionalism while maintaining an easy to use interface.”
ProMessage Volume 2 is a dialogue creation tool made exclusively for use in Final Cut Pro X. Choose from 30 self-animating styles ranging from generic boxed messages to rounded presets with blurring capabilities. Stylize the text and message style and allow ProMessage to do the rest. Using ProMessage is an absolute breeze. Drag, drop, and stylize. ProMessage Volume 2 is an FCPX exclusive plugin.
With ProMessage Volume 2, users can create an unlimited dialogue without the having to set a single keyframe. Using ProMessage is extremely easy. Select one of 30 minimalistic messaging styles and drag it into the FCPX timeline. After stylizing the bubble and text, drag another title and drag it above the first message.
ProMessage Volume 2 presets allow users to animate text messages with type in functionality. Find the "Type In" checkbox under the "ANIMATION CONTROLS" category. Utilize ProMessage presets to create short or lengthy conversations between two or more parties with drag and drop ease.
ProMessage Volume 2 features on-screen controls that allows users to intuitively scale and position presets. Additionally, users can freely adjust how far messages are shifted downwards. For larger messages, increase the shift amount and vice versa. ProMessage Volume 2 is the easiest way to create a limitless dialogue in Final Cut Pro X.
Each ProMessaage preset contains unique customization options that can be found in the top-right inspector window. Using these parameter controls, users can manipulate the text message content, style, and more within Final Cut Pro X. Choose from generic message bubbles with rigid edges to background blurring presets.
Established in 2006, Aliso Viejo, California-based Pixel Film Studios is an innovative developer of visual effects tools for the post-production and broadcast community. Their products are integrated with popular non-linear editing and compositing products from Apple FCPX. All Apple, the Apple logo, Mac OS X, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Christina Austin, Pixel Film Studios, +1 (949) 273-8777, [email protected]
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