Polaris Library Systems Announces Year of Connection at ALA Midwinter 2014
Philadelphia, P.A. (PRWEB) January 22, 2014 -- Polaris Library Systems, a trusted provider of library automation software, designates 2014 as a Year of Connection to help redefine and strengthen the role libraries play within the community.
Polaris will unveil its Year of Connection at the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting, demonstrating how every decision the company makes, in terms of products and partnerships, will have a distinguishable impact on library workflows and the dynamic services offered to patrons. Librarians attending ALA Midwinter will have the opportunity to explore various Polaris products, such as the web-based application LEAP, Community Profiles, the Polaris API and Fusion. Attendees will also have a first look at the OverDrive e-content integration.
“As an ILS vendor, it is our responsibility to provide librarians with the tools they need to establish their library as a dependable resource in their community,” said Bill Schickling, president and CEO, Polaris Library Systems. “Libraries continue to evolve and it’s important our software reflects these changes. In our Year of Connection, Polaris will focus on the big picture, where every product plays a distinct role in bettering the library and community as a whole.”
In 2014, librarians will experience the Polaris brand in a new light and learn how the software works to collectively benefit the community, patrons and staff. Rather than focusing on each product as a separate tool, Polaris will demonstrate how the ILS (integrated library system) provides a complete, unified solution.
“Every library has its own agenda, workflows, problems and needs,” said Neil Block, vice president of product and market management, Polaris Library Systems. “Polaris offers a number of products, but how do they all fit together to provide one cohesive system? Our goal is to demonstrate how our current and next generation products can help every library achieve its unique vision for the future. Polaris has a story to tell and we look forward to sharing it at ALA Midwinter and throughout 2014.”
The Year of Connection will address important library issues and how they can be solved using Polaris software, such as:
• Assisting patrons anywhere in the library (LEAP)
• Engaging local organizations and community members by way of the library catalog (Community Profiles)
• Extracting library data for more detailed information and solutions (Polaris API)
• Preserving historical documents and images digitally to connect the past with the present (Fusion)
• Integrating OverDrive e-content via one access point in the library catalog
For a personal demonstration of the Polaris software and how the Year of Connection can establish the library as the center for information and exploration in the community, visit Polaris Booth 807 at ALA Midwinter in Philadelphia. For more information on the Polaris ILS, visit http://www.polarislibrary.com.
About Polaris Library Systems
Polaris Library Systems is a leading library automation software company, earning the highest customer satisfaction ratings by focusing on one goal: helping librarians serve their communities. Established in 2003, Polaris Library Systems provides academic, private and public libraries with an integrated library system that boosts productivity, improves patron satisfaction and transforms how libraries connect, communicate and collaborate with their communities in the modern world. For more information, visit http://www.polarislibrary.com.
Emily Bowe, PR Specialist
Polaris Library Systems
Emily Bowe, Polaris Library Systems, http://polarislibrary.com, +1 315-634-4519, [email protected]
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