PolyU and HKPC Organize the Asian Knowledge Forum and Bring Top Knowledge Organizations to Hong Kong
Hong Kong China (PRWEB) January 29, 2015 -- Winners of the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award from Singapore, Australia, South Korea, India, Indonesian, Hong Kong and Mainland China gathered in this Forum to share their best Knowledge Management (KM) practices. The 3-day Forum consists of KM workshops, sharing by MAKE Award winners as well as company visits to Hong Kong and Mainland China, enabling participants to benchmark their KM performance and learn from each other.
This year's MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony was held at the Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel in the evening of the same day with over 200 attendees. It is the first time that the MAKE Award presentation ceremony of Asian, Hong Kong and Mainland China is held in the same event in Hong Kong. The event has won the support of government officials, business leaders as well as several professional, business and industrial associations. Officiated at the ceremony were Mr Godfrey Leung King-kwok, JP, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HKSAR Government; Professor Timothy W. Tong, President of PolyU; and Dr Clement Chen, Chairman of HKPC.
Mr Godfrey Leung King-kwok stressed, "With the implementation of the Knowledge Management Framework, knowledge workers in the Government can quickly get hold of the necessary information and knowledge to support departments in planning and implementing ICT initiatives, such that they can harness the benefits of ICT to drive knowledge management for improving efficiency, productivity and customer value."
Speaking at the ceremony, Professor Timothy W. Tong said, "If enterprises nowadays want to be successful, they must manage their knowledge process well through technology, systems and people. By making the best use of organizational knowledge, organizations and enterprises can better leverage upon their competitive edge and enhance the quality of their products and services."
Dr Clement Chen remarked, "Knowledge management is indeed the key to success for companies in the knowledge-based society today. This is especially true for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) whose budget and manpower are limited. Without proper knowledge management, the valuable intangible assets of SMEs will be lost with the departure of their staff."
PolyU also introduced the Hong Kong MAKE Award (SME) this year to further promote KM in the SME sector which helps enhance the competitive advantage and sustainability of enterprises in Hong Kong.
The Global MAKE award is an international benchmark of best practice knowledge management. It was launched in 1998 by KNOW Network, an international web-based professional knowledge sharing network and Teleos, a research firm specializing in knowledge management. Since 2008, the MAKE Award has been introduced in Hong Kong and Chinese mainland by the PolyU Knowledge Management and Innovation Research
Ms Agnes Kwan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, http://www.polyu.edu.hk, +852 2766 6374, [email protected]
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