Pool Safety Is a Hot Topic for Texas Legislators
Paterson, NJ (PRWEB) July 29, 2013 -- Laws and legislation for fencing around pools is different across the United States, but as the number of deaths by drowning is rising, there are some people who are becoming concerned with the lack of legislation mandating pool safety.
The state of Texas has no legislation that makes pool safety devices, such as fences, necessary. Instead, cities and municipalities decide whether or not they should require safety mechanisms around pools.
According to “Texas Legislature Ignore Recommendations to Prevent Childhood Drowning,” posted on NBCDFW.com, some Texas residents are dissatisfied with the lack of legislation
According to the article, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reported the number of deaths by drowning in Texas to be 37 for 2012. So far in 2013, the number has risen to 41. Half of those deaths occurred in residential and apartment pools.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, having a four-sided fence that isolates pools from homes and yards can cut down the risk of children drowning by more than 50 percent.
There are some towns in Texas that have safety regulations; however, that is not enough to cut down the number of children who are dying because of drowning.
One parent, Elysia Buerger, said her daughter fell into the pool in the backyard and required a four-month hospital stay and therapy. “Get a pool alarm. Get back locks. Get a gate. Anything you can do. The more barriers, the less likely something can happen,” Buerger said. “The fact that she's still here is an absolute blessing but I would hate to see anyone else in my shoes.”
Despite the lack of legislation regulating the necessity for fences around pools, residents can take the initiative.
The state of New Jersey also does not have one state-wide law that mandates exact specifications for having fences around pools; however the state does have legislation that varies by town.
Company owner Alex Miloseski had this to say about the issue: "We believe that installing a fence around your pool is a preventative measure that should be taken by all homeowners to ensure that children do not slip or fall into pools while unattended."
While they offer a variety of styles and designs of fences, the professionals believe that the aluminum fences at Challenger Fence Inc. are the most practical for pools because they do not rust.
According to the article from NBCDFW, more than 5,000 children are victims of nearly drowning, and can encounter complications for the rest of their lives. A 2013 CPSP report states that almost 390 kids under age 15 die every year because of pool and spa-related drownings.
Do not let your child or a child you know be a part of that statistic. For more information about the fences that Challenger Fence Inc., can provide to residences around NJ to help keep your children safe, contact them today at 973-772-2593.
Alex Miloseski, Challenger Fence, http://challengerfence.com/, 973-772-2593, [email protected]
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