Port of Hueneme Successfully Completes Load Bank Test Leading to Shore Side Power
Port of Hueneme, CA (PRWEB) December 23, 2013 -- The Port of Hueneme recently performed a load bank test of its recently installed substation announcing the Port ready to provide a reliable, steady source of shore side power for ships at berth.
With the passage of AB 32 by the California state assembly, programs were put in place to allow ships at berth in California ports to turn off their more polluting marine engines dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Port’s just completed project “represents a giant leap forward for us and the community” said Port CEO and Director Kristin Decas. “Over the lifetime of this project (30 years), annual emissions from refrigerated cargo vessels also known as “reefer vessels” will be reduced”. Anticipated reductions are as follows:
° Particulate Matter (PM) reductions of 2.58 tons
° Nitrogen oxide (NOx) reductions of 151.08 tons
° Carbon monoxide (CO) reductions of 9.35 tons
° Hydrocarbon (HC) reductions of 5.24 tons
° Carbon dioxide (CO2) reductions of 4,122.43 tons
“This is a model of strong public policy working for the betterment of our community and region. This project represents perhaps the single largest reduction in air emissions by one project in the history of the county,” said Port Commission President Jason Hodge. Further commenting that, “The success of the Port ties directly to our community and strategic partners. Together we are creating jobs and building a cleaner environment for the citizens of the Port, community and region.”
Port CEO Decas further recognized the strong partnership with the Ventura County Air Quality Control District which also contributed funding important in helping the Port complete the project on time and on budget. While the Port was responsible for the bulk of the $13 million price tag the project also could not have happened without the leadership of many other players including the Governor’s administration, Senator Fran Pavley, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), who administered $4.5 million in grant funds from the state’s Proposition 1B funding. According to Port COO John Demers the Port estimates that ships retrofitted to plug into the Port’s shore side system could begin arriving as early as next spring.
The Port of Hueneme is one of the most productive and efficient commercial trade gateways for niche cargo on the West Coast. The Port is governed by 5 locally elected Port Commissioners. The Port moves $7 billion in goods each year and consistently ranks among the top ten U.S. ports for automobiles and fresh produce. Port operations support the community by bringing $1 billion in economic activity and creating 9,448 trade-related jobs. Trade through the Port of Hueneme generates more than $63 million in annual state and local taxes which funds vital community services.
We Make Cargo Move.
Will Berg, Port of Hueneme, http://www.portofhueneme.org, +1 (805) 377-1500 Ext: 2234, [email protected]
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