Powerhouse Attorneys Janet Boyle and Joy Feinberg Empower Female Lawyers
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) September 04, 2015 -- Family law experts Janet Boyle and Joy Feinberg, of Boyle Feinberg, P.C., are proud to announce a continuation of the series of financial seminars for female attorneys entitled “Women Empowering Women.” Instrumental in developing this program are Joy; Ann-Marie Koss and Ed Schroeder of The Griffing Group; Jim Godbout of Sikich, LLP; and Meighan Harmon of Schiller, DuCanto & Fleck. The meetings will take place monthly, with the next one slated for February 2, 2016. “The seminars are open to any female divorce attorney in the Chicago area,” said Joy, President of the USA Chapter of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
The upcoming seminars/discussions will cover 12 different business topics. The focus of this 12 part series will be the financial aspects of divorcing, specifically more complex cases involving business owners, highly compensated executives, and other persons of wealth. Joy explains, “Because of Janet’s Masters in Taxation some of these concepts are easier for her due to her extensive financial background. The rest of us have to work much harder at understanding and being able to explain these issues.”
“Boyle Feinberg, P.C., is more than just a law firm, as we believe it is important to teach other attorneys and empower women,” said Janet, who has practiced family law exclusively for over 30 years. “So far, the turnout has been tremendous. The seminars are educational and also a good opportunity to network. This is a ‘safety zone’ of sorts for women attorneys.” Joy noted, “Any question is fair game. If you are lost, the presenters will respond until the point is understood clearly.” Joy and her husband, Greg Brown of Holland & Knight, taught the first session in February, 2015 titled Executive Perquisites: What are they? How are they Taxed? How are they divided? In addition, Joy has worked on the planning program of the AAML AICPA to develop a joint program which is biennial. She believed that many lawyers lacked the basics on finance and thus promoted the current extensive program.
In 2014, Janet Boyle and Joy Feinberg combined their talents to form Boyle Feinberg, a law firm focused exclusively on family law. Their thirty-plus years of experience provides clients with expert and elite services. Throughout the years, Janet and Joy have received a variety of awards and both are respected experts in family law. They are a formidable team equipped to give unparalleled service, with a track record of achieving superior results. In addition, each has been selected as a Super Lawyer; a distinction afforded only the very top lawyers in the country. Joy was recently selected by her peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2016 in the field of Family Law, an honored distinction of which she is most proud.
Those who want to attend the “Women Empowering Women” seminar should contact Danielle at danielle(at)BFfamlaw.com for more information and to RSVP. In addition to their Chicago Loop office, 30 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 3440, Boyle Feinberg offers downtown sophistication with suburban convenience at their Arlington Heights location, 311 S. Arlington Heights Road, Suite 40, Arlington Heights, IL.
About Boyle Feinberg, P.C.
For more than thirty years each, attorneys Janet Boyle and Joy Feinberg have been providing exceptional legal services and obtaining superior results for clients throughout the Chicagoland and North Shore communities in all aspects of family and matrimonial law. Boyle Feinberg’s practice is devoted to the resolution of complex family law cases, by negotiation, mediation or litigation. For more information or to schedule an initial consultation with one the Boyle Feinberg attorneys please call (312) 376-8860.
Media Contact:
Tiffani Tendell
805.650.6121, ext. 361
theNALA, Executive Business Services (theNALA), http://thenala.com, +1 8056506121 Ext: 361, [email protected]
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