Praeclarus Press Offers Resources from Leading Mother-Baby Sleep Experts on Safe Bedsharing and Alternatives to Cry-It-Out for National Sleep Awareness Week
Amarillo, Texas (PRWEB) February 29, 2016 -- Praeclarus Press shares valuable resources on infant sleep for parents in honor of National Sleep Awareness Week. Infant sleep can be one of the most difficult part of adjusting to parenthood, as it changes often and many parents have expectations that do not meet the reality of life with a newborn. Worrying about sleep is a common parental worry: Is it safe to sleep with their babies or does it increase the risk of SIDS? Is sleep training necessary? Or is it safe or harmful? When should babies start sleeping through the night? Is it okay for babies to continue feeding at night or to fall asleep while breastfeeding? New parents need guidance on these issues that is based on current research. , The Science of Mother-Infant Sleep: Current Findings on Bedsharing, Breastfeeding, Sleep Training, and Normal Infant Sleep, from Praeclarus Press addresses these questions and more. Edited by Dr. Wendy Middlemiss and Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, the book features chapters by leading experts in mother-infant sleep from the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and Australia.
The goal of this book is to bring together recent evidence about the safety of sleep practices so that parents and professionals can make informed, evidence-based decisions. The Science of Mother-Infant Sleep is a collaborative project by an international working group of experts on mother-baby sleep. Topics include:
- What should parents avoid and how can they make it safe?
- Does it increase the risk of SIDS?
- What is its impact on breastfeeding?
Sleep-Training and Cry-It-Out Techniques
- Do they impact infant health and development?
- What should parents know?
Involving Parents in Decisions about Infant Sleep
- What is normal infant sleep?
- How can parents calm a crying baby?
For the month of March enjoy complimentary shipping with code "SafeSleep2016" when you order The Science of Mother-Infant Sleep from the Praeclarus Press online store. Additionally, white papers are available for viewing and complementary download.
Wendy Middlemiss, Ph.D., CFLE, is associate professor of Educational Psychology at the University of North Texas. Her work encompasses research examining the effect of different childrearing approaches and exploring how to share this information with families and communities to promote infant, child, and family health.
Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., IBCLC, FAPA is a health psychologist, IBCLC, Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Past-President of APA’s Division of Trauma Psychology, Clinical Professor, School of Nursing, University of Hawai'i, Manoa, Editor-in-Chief of both Psychological Trauma and Clinical Lactation, and owner of Praeclarus Press.
Praeclarus Press is a small press specializing in women’s health. It features books, webinars, and products that support women's health throughout their lifespan. Based in Amarillo, Texas, the mission of Praeclarus Press is to produce materials that change women’s lives.
Scott Sherwood, Praeclarus Press,, +1 806-673-3901, [email protected]
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