Precertification Courses Return to 2017 iaedp™ Symposium
Pekin, IL (PRWEB) September 23, 2016 -- The International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (iaedp™) announces the return of precertification courses for professionals at its annual symposium on March 23-26, 2017 at the Green Valley Resort and Spa in Henderson, Nevada. For experienced eating disorders professionals who qualify, this program is a pathway to the certification process. The program also offers professionals new to the field or who do not specialize in eating disorders an opportunity for the most comprehensive training with a current overview of eating disorder diseases and eating disorder treatment approaches.
Prior to the start of the Symposium, each three-hour class is presented by eating disorder professionals well-known in the field.
“A professional's time is valuable, which is why we developed a two-day live format for presenting the classes at our annual symposium,” said Bonnie Harken, Managing Director at The iaedp Foundation. “It also can be difficult for many professionals to find time for certification training – and by offering the course prior to our annual Symposium, they’re able to accomplish as much as possible with the training offered at the time of the Symposium.”
The precertification course is offered on March 22 and 23 as a separate track for $200 or combined with a 2017 Symposium registration for an additional $100. For more information, go to:
About iaedp: Established in 1985, iaedp is recognized for its excellence in providing education and training standards to an international multidisciplinary group of healthcare treatment providers who treat the full spectrum of eating disorder problems, from anorexia to bulimia to binge eating and obesity. The organization offers a rigorous certification process for those who wish to receive specialized credentials in their work with people with eating disorders. For more information about iaedp, visit
Susan Lomelino, iaedp news,, +1 2145643285, [email protected]
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