Print Conductor 4.6 Now Prints Autodesk Inventor Drawings!
Alexandria, VA (PRWEB) January 28, 2015 -- fCoder Group, Inc. has presented its newest version of Print Conductor – the software that is able to automate various printing tasks and can successfully print drawings. Print Conductor 4.6 offers automatic printing of Autodesk Inventor drawings and can print IDW, IPT, IAM and IPN files.
The list of already supported technical documentation file types has been enriched with Autodesk Inventor drawings per customers’ requests. Print Conductor is known for its unequalled ability to batch print different types of documents. Document printing via Print Conductor is totally automatic.
Autodesk Inventor is really heavy-loaded software. To speed up printing drawings, just start Autodesk Inventor software before starting the Print Conductor printing session. In this case, Print Conductor will use actual instance of Inventor for each new printed document and will work much faster.
Autodesk Inventor 2013 or newer should be installed on the computer to let Print Conductor automate Inventor files printing.
Print Conductor Software Licensing and Availability
Print Conductor 4.6 is free of charge if used for evaluative or non-commercial purposes. It can be downloaded here:
Commercial license for 1 user costs $49. Volume discount is available for ordering 5 or more licenses:
Site license lets system integrators deploy and activate Print Conductor on all computers in all offices within the company.
Laisan Shafikova, fCoder Group, Inc., +7 (916)539-6228, [email protected]
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