PubNub Delivers Secure Data Stream Network on IBM’s Bluemix PaaS
Las Vegas, Nevada (PRWEB) February 23, 2015 -- [PubNub, the leading data stream network, announced today at InterConnect 2015 that it is partnering with IBM to bring its sophisticated realtime data streaming and messaging capabilities to Bluemix, IBM’s cloud development platform. PubNub will demonstrate realtime secure device connectivity, powered by its easy-to-use data stream APIs, at the conference. IBM Bluemix customers will be able to leverage PubNub to securely and reliably deliver large scale realtime IoT, web, and mobile solutions.
Bluemix developers can easily implement crucial features needed in IoT such as remote device control, firmware upgrades and device provisioning. PubNub’s data streaming capabilities are available to developers via 70+ SDKs allowing developers to connect, scale, and manage realtime applications and IoT devices. PubNub’s realtime communication API includes presence detection, message storage & playback, stream syndication and data synchronization. PubNub will showcase its IoT node for IBM’s NodeRed at Booth #620.
The IBM Cloud marketplace offers clients access to more than 100 SaaS applications, IBM's Bluemix platform-as-a-service with its suite of composable services, the powerful SoftLayer infrastructure-as-a-service and IBM's rich intellectual capital and deep industry expertise. This single online destination with a suite of cloud services delivers a new buying experience for clients that enables line of business professionals to deploy new services faster; allows developers to build them with greater speed; and offers IT departments more creative, efficient and lower-cost ways to deliver these services.
“Today’s app and connected devices require an always-on connection, but building a secure, scalable solution from the ground up is time consuming, resource intensive, and error-prone,” said Todd Greene, CEO of PubNub. “PubNub enables web, mobile and IoT developers building apps on IBM Bluemix to quickly add scalable realtime functionality with minimal effort and cost.”
PubNub’s globally secure data stream network allows developers to focus on app features and functionality, accelerating time to market while forgoing expensive and risky investments in homegrown communication infrastructure. To be made available through self-provisioning within the Bluemix Catalog, PubNub provides developers secure Publish/Subscribe messaging with ¼ second latencies across 15 global points of presence and 99.999% uptime. PubNub’s operational model guarantees no open ports on IoT devices, delivering secure communication through firewalls, proxy servers and over unreliable mobile networks.
To learn more about leveraging PubNub’s global Data Stream Network (DSN) in the IBM Cloud marketplace and to get started, visit
About PubNub
PubNub is a secure global Data Stream Network (DSN) and easy-to-use API that enables its customers to connect, scale, and manage realtime applications and IoT devices. With over 70 SDKs for every platform, 250ms worldwide data transfer times, and scalability for hundreds of millions of devices, PubNub’s unique infrastructure provides the ability to easily connect and operate world-class realtime applications and IoT devices. PubNub is headquartered in San Francisco. Visit PubNub online at, Twitter,LinkedIn, Vimeo and Facebook.
Rebecca Metz, Metz Communications, (512) 560-5211, [email protected]
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