Recommendations Point Out the Importance of Dealing with the Particular Dental Issues of All Family Members, says Northridge Dental Works
Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) June 22, 2017 -- A June 12 article in The Star offers the advice of occupational therapist Nira Rittenberg to a correspondent concerned about an apparent lack of oral hygiene by an aged parent who had recently suffered a series of minor strokes. Ms. Rittenberg, who specializes in geriatrics and dementia-related matters, suggests a number of steps, including scheduling a dentist visit. Northridge Dental Works, a Los Angeles Area dental clinic, notes that all people of all ages have specific dental concerns that require regular visits to a skilled dentist.
Northridge Dental Works adds that, of course, older patients have a number of special needs. Many of them may find it more difficult to properly brush their teeth due to issues like arthritis and, yes, some grow more forgetful and actually not remember to brush their teeth in the first place. The dental clinic notes that these kinds of problems can be addressed both by the awareness of concerned family members and by an observant dental professional who can make appropriate suggestions, such as the use of daily reminders and electronic toothbrushes.
At the other end of the age scale, Northridge Dental Works points out that the assumption that very young children don’t need to visit the dentist because they are still using their “baby teeth,” which they will eventually lose anyway, is very wrong. The clinic says that children with poor oral hygiene habits can develop some pretty severe dental issues that impact their gums and can create lifelong oral health problems.
Finally, those of us in our teen and adult years might face any number of issues from orthodontic problems; these can range from ordinary cavities, to more seriously compromised teeth in need of root canal treatments, to periodontal problems affecting our gums. It is extremely important to practice prevention by maintaining good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dental clinic to detect any minor problems before they become more complicated.
Readers who are interested in learning more about the oral healthcare team at Northridge Dental Works are invited to the clinic at 818-882-0100. They can also visit the office online at
Bob Westal, Cyberset Corp, +1 818-883-7277 Ext: 121, [email protected]
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