Recovery Drug Addict Opens Drug Rehabilitation Center to Help Others Overcome Addiction
USA (PRWEB) February 10, 2015 -- Erick Bouaziz is one of millions to suffer from pointed drug addiction. Addicts often don’t realize that they’ve hit rock bottom until their lives are ruled by their addictions. Bouaziz took the reins of his life back from addiction by getting help, and has earned a degree in drug addiction counseling to open his own rehabilitation center to help young people suffering in the throes of addiction, according to CP24 on Jan. 27th. Harbor Village Detox is a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center that specializes in drug addiction therapy. The facility prides itself in eliciting the latent potentials in its clients. The successes of rehabilitated patients are sources of joy that progress the treatment center’s resolve to make an instrumental impact on the lives it encounters.
According to CP24 Bouaziz’s rehabilitation facility, The Academy, caters specifically to younger addicts from the ages of 15-30. Bouaziz recalls how difficult the initial years of substance abuse were to manage, and wants to alleviate those pressures for youth struggling as he did. Bouaziz states, “Marijuana is the biggest thing in high school. It’s the gateway drug-- you think it’s acceptable, that there’s nothing wrong with it, everyone’s doing it, sometimes parents also do it.”
Self medication is among young drug users is commonplace, and is an attempt to cope with harsh realities. Self medicating drug users are not intent on “partying,” but alleviating mental and emotional anguish. CP24 quotes Bouaziz , “I wanted to kill myself and was too afraid to admit it, I didn’t end up doing it because I ended up calling a dealer to do more drugs.”
Bouaziz is a product of an instrumental drug rehabilitation company, and is evidence that anyone can overcome their addiction. Bouaziz has attained self actualization, despite suffering from the disease of abuse, and has become an influence in the lives of others to set them on the road to recovery. Living beyond recovery is essential to stave off future relapses. In short, enlivening your passions, and becoming involved in communities ensures ex-addicts have an active purpose to pursue, and a means to foment continued sobriety.
When most think of people suffering from substance abuse disorders, they imagine the derelict who live in the parks; addiction makes no discrimination in whom it blights. Harbor Village Detox is determined to help its clients achieve a fulfilling life after addiction. An addiction counselor from the drug and alcohol addiction treatment center, Harbor Village Detox, center asserts, “Living beyond rehabilitation is the key to avoiding future relapses. When patients are given the opportunity to exceed themselves- that is, their own expectations or estimate of their self-worth, they are able to do powerful things. We hope to give each patient the tools to become lucrative, happy, and more than sobriety, we want them to live,”
Harbor Village Detox is an affordable, drug and alcohol addiction treatment center rescuing those suffering from substance abuse disorders. Implementing intensive counseling to uncover the root of addiction, Harbor Village Detox aims to uncover the hidden talents and rekindle the passions of its patients, so that they can live fulfilling lives after treatment. The facility is staffed by award winning addiction counselors, psychiatrists, and classically trained technicians to battle drug-related withdrawal symptoms, and overcome deep-seated feelings of depression, guilt, and anger.
For more information about Harbor Village Detox visit or call 1-855-290-4261.
Julian G, Harbor Village Inc.,, +1 855-290-4261, [email protected]
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