Rigaku Announces the XtaLAB mini II benchtop Chemical Crystallography System
The Woodlands, Texas (PRWEB) July 28, 2016 -- X-ray scientific, analytical and industrial instrumentation manufacturer Rigaku Corporation has announced the next generation Rigaku XtaLAB mini II benchtop chemical crystallography system.
The XtaLAB mini™ II system is a research grade, compact single crystal X-ray diffractometer designed to produce ready-to-publish 3D structures with exceptional quality, exceeding IUCr publication standards. This next-generation instrument expands the capabilities of the XtaLAB mini by the addition of a low-noise, state-of-the-art hybrid pixel array detector as well as the full-featured CrysAlisPro software from Rigaku Oxford Diffraction for instrument control and data analysis. To the user this means that poorly diffracting samples can now be measured more accurately and the set of software tools will be the same as with the top of the line diffractometers.
Positioned to be an ideal addition to any synthetic chemistry laboratory, the XtaLAB mini II enhances research productivity by offering economical structure analysis capability. New compounds can be rapidly analyzed as they are synthesized in the lab.
The newly developed detector is based on hybrid photon counting technology (HPC) and the low noise, high dynamic range and fast frame rate allow highly precise, shutterless data collection, a technique that is effective at reducing data measurement time.
The X-ray tube lifespan is extended by running at 600 W. To countervail running at lower power, a special curved monochromator is used to produce usable X-ray flux comparable to a standard X-ray system and provide the same quality data as a larger 3 kW X-ray system.
The system features the latest version of the CrysAlisPro software from Rigaku Oxford Diffraction. CrysAlisPro is a combined instrument control and data processing package that links seamlessly to the popular Olex2 small molecule structure analysis program.
CrysAlisPro combines automated crystal screening, the fastest, most accurate strategy software available, concurrent data reduction and automatic structure solution to give the operator visual feedback in the shortest possible time. In addition to its automatic routines, CrysAlisPro includes a full complement of comprehensive and effective tools and functions for dealing with non-standard or problematic data.
About Rigaku
Since its inception in Japan in 1951, Rigaku has been at the forefront of analytical and industrial instrumentation technology. Rigaku and its subsidiaries form a global group focused on general-purpose analytical instrumentation and the life sciences. With hundreds of major innovations to their credit, Rigaku companies are world leaders in X-ray spectrometry, diffraction, and optics, as well as small molecule and protein crystallography and semiconductor metrology. Today, Rigaku employs over 1,400 people in the manufacturing and support of its analytical equipment, which is used in more than 70 countries around the world supporting research, development, and quality assurance activities. Throughout the world, Rigaku continuously promotes partnerships, dialog, and innovation within the global scientific and industrial communities.
For further information, contact:
Michael Nelson
Global Marketing Coordinator
Rigaku Corporation
Phone: (512) 225-1796
Michael Nelson, Rigaku, http://www.rigakuEDXRF.com, +1 (512) 225-1796 Ext: 1017, [email protected]
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