Rigaku Oxford Diffraction to Present Latest X-ray Diffraction Technologies at MARM 2016
The Woodlands, Texas (PRWEB) June 08, 2016 -- Rigaku Corporation is pleased to announce its attendance at the 44th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM 2016) of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The event, hosted by the New York Section of the ACS, will be held at the College of Mount Saint Vincent in Riverdale, New York from Thursday, June 9 through Sunday, June 12, 2016. The event’s theme is “Chemistry: Past, Present, and Future” and a number informative symposia and events are planned.
Rigaku Oxford Diffraction will be presenting information about its line of small molecule crystallography products at booth number 16.
Rigaku Oxford Diffraction’s innovative new diffractometer, the XtaLAB Synergy, combines speed and intelligent software to provide 3D structure determination in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee. X-ray crystallography can now out-perform NMR as a method for rapid structure determination for samples that can be crystallized.
About Rigaku Oxford Diffraction (ROD)
ROD was formed as the global single crystal business unit of Rigaku Corporation after the acquisition of the former Oxford Diffraction organization from Agilent Technologies in 2015. ROD is a leader in single crystal analysis, both in the field of chemical crystallography and in macromolecular crystallography. Formed in 1951, Rigaku Corporation is a leading analytical instrumentation company based out of Tokyo, Japan.
For further information, contact:
Paul Swepston
Senior Vice President and General Manager
Rigaku Oxford Diffraction
Tokyo, Wroclaw, Oxford, The Woodlands
tel: +1 281-362-2300
Michael Nelson, Rigaku, http://www.rigakuEDXRF.com, +1 (512) 225-1796 Ext: 1017, [email protected]
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