Riverdale Urgent Care Offers Useful STD Awareness Advice
Bronx, NY (PRWEB) April 29, 2014 -- April is STD Awareness Month and Riverdale Urgent Care wants to offer some helpful advice to the community regarding safety and STDs.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans contract an STD every year. Although HIV is not a highly contagious infectious disease, other STDs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes, venereal warts and syphilis are all extremely contagious and can be spread through even brief sexual contact. The good news is that none of these infections are spread through casual contact, such as handshaking or talking. Still, it is always good to be reminded of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to safe sex and Riverdale Urgent Care has a few things to point out.
Despite the prevalence of STDs, symptoms won’t always be obvious. When a person feels that he or she has possibly been exposed to one, they should seek the help of a medical professional. Even though symptoms may not be present, the infection can still be passed along to his or her sex partners. Although condoms are very effective for reducing transmission, it’s important to remember that no method is completely foolproof.
In addition to condoms, there are a number of other common methods of prevention. One is to simply stay in a monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner. Another preventative method is to get vaccinated before sexual exposure. Vaccines are available for certain infections that can cause cancer such as HAV, HBV and HPV viruses.
Continual testing is another highly recommended preventative method. Unless they have been recently tested, a person should avoid engaging in intercourse and activities that will increase the chances of participating in risky sexual activity, such as drinking excessively and using drugs. If a person has children, it is recommended that they educate them on the risks involved with unprotected sex. Circumcision is recommended for men to significantly reduce the chance of infections such as HIV, genital HPV and genital herpes.
As for treatment, STDs are never something a person should try to treat him or herself. Riverdale Urgent Care wants to remind men and women that these infectious diseases are contagious and require professional treatment. Bacterial STDs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can be cured with antibiotics if treatment starts early enough. Viral STDs, such as HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, cannot be cured but the symptoms can be managed with various medications.
Riverdale Urgent Care is a highly sought out walk-in medical clinic located in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, NY. Find out more about preventative health care and the services offered at Riverdale Urgent Care by visiting http://www.RiverdaleUrgentCare.com/.
Riverdale Urgent Care is conveniently located at 5665 Riverdale Ave. in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, N.Y. At Riverdale Urgent Care, each staff member brings in-depth understanding, extensive experience and skills. In addition to treating life’s everyday minor injuries, they offer drug testing, blood testing, vaccines, on site x-ray, EKG, stitches and rapid in house testing for flu, strep throat and mono. They can also perform physicals for DOT commercial drivers, camp, school and employment.
The Riverdale Urgent Care clinic is open 7 days a week - evenings, weekends, and holidays, when most doctors’ offices are closed. Appointments are never required - just walk in. M-F 8am to 8pm and weekends 8am to 3pm. Call today for more information - (347) 913-4242
Stan Cohen, Riverdale Urgent Care, http://www.riverdaleurgentcare.com, 917-416-4727, [email protected]
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