Security Industry Association Endorses Border Security for America Act, H.R. 3548
Silver Spring, Md. (PRWEB) October 03, 2017 -- The Security Industry Association (SIA) has endorsed H.R. 3548, the Border Security for America Act of 2017 (BSAA), authored by House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul, R.-Texas, and co-sponsored by more than 60 members of Congress.
The House Homeland Security Committee will consider this plan to strengthen tactical infrastructure on the U.S. northern and southern borders in a markup on Oct. 4. SIA representatives are available for interviews on the bill.
Last week, SIA wrote to the Committee to express strong support of the legislation, and the Committee recognized SIA as a key supporter of BSAA on its website—alongside the International Biometrics + Identity Association, the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association and several other organizations. SIA commended the Committee's efforts to strike an effective balance between additional physical barriers and increasing use of security technologies to deter unlawful entry into the United States, depending on the border region. SIA's support letter can be found here.
"Implementation of H.R. 3548 could result in significant expansion of U.S. border protections by physical barriers as appropriate in high-risk areas as part of this border security infrastructure. Physical barriers are not effective deterrents without the ability of U.S. border patrol agents to detect breaches and breach attempts. Therefore, the use of modern integrated surveillance technology and analytics used in perimeter security will be just as essential to success as a barrier's structural design," SIA CEO Don Erickson wrote in the letter.
Erickson also expressed approval for the authorization of an additional $33 million in fiscal 2018 to fully implement the Border Security Deployment Program, which will help modernize surveillance and intrusion detection systems at land ports of entry along the southern and northern borders. Additionally, SIA supports the phased deployment of biometric entry/exit data systems for international visitors mandated in the bill, which is long overdue since its initial authorization in 2004.
SIA encourages the Committee to issue a favorable report of H.R. 3548 and further consideration by the U.S. House after its approval.
About the Security Industry Association
The Security Industry Association (SIA) ( is the leading trade association for global security solution providers, with more than 750 innovative member companies representing thousands of security leaders and experts who shape the future of the security industry. SIA protects and advances its members' interests by advocating pro-industry policies and legislation at the federal and state levels; creating open industry standards that enable integration; advancing industry professionalism through education and training; opening global market opportunities; and collaboration with other like-minded organizations. As a proud sponsor of ISC Events expos and conferences, SIA ensures its members have access to top-level buyers and influencers, as well as unparalleled learning and network opportunities. SIA also enhances the position of its members in the security marketplace through SIA Government Summit, which brings together private industry with government decision makers, and Securing New Ground®, the security industry's top executive conference for peer-to-peer networking.
Mickey McCarter, Security Industry Association,, +1 (301) 804-4704, [email protected]
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