Security Industry Association Supports Legislation to Crack Down on Patent Trolls
Silver Spring, MD (PRWEB) July 30, 2015 -- The Security Industry Association (SIA) is urging House and Senate leaders to take up companion bills that would crack down on abuses by patent assertion entities, also known as “patent trolls.”
In a letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, SIA called upon the House to pass the Innovation Act (H.R. 9), bipartisan legislation to increase accountability on patent litigation and to stop patent trolls. And in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Harry Reid, SIA requested action on the Protecting American Talent and Entrepreneurship (PATENT) Act (S. 1137), which also would increase accountability while thwarting patent trolls.
Patent trolls are companies or individuals that threaten businesses with lawsuits based on vague or overly broad patents in an effort to collect money from settlements. Security product manufacturers spend millions of dollars each year defending against frivolous patent litigation.
“The security industry invests considerable time, research and development and human capital into developing a wide range of cutting-edge security solutions offered through their trusted channel partners into various markets. The aggressive efforts of patent trolls are a significant threat to investment in the next generation of security products,” said Jake Parker, SIA director of government relations.
The companion bills also would introduce important protections for end users of security technology, who may be targeted for patent infringement based simply on a product they chose to purchase. The “customer stay” provision would allow the stay of an infringement case against an end user while the manufacturer of the product litigates the alleged infringement. This prevents duplicative lawsuits from clogging federal court dockets and provides relief for American businesses that have been unfairly targeted.
“Ultimately, this Act seeks to improve transparency related to the maintenance of patent information and the way patent ownership is established and defended. Requiring parties to do a bit of due diligence up front before filing an infringement suit is just plain common sense. We believe this will instill greater faith in business transactions conducted between and within numerous private industries, which helps grow the economy and promote job growth,” SIA wrote of both bills.
The House Judiciary Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee each have approved their respective bills, and SIA urges the full respective chambers to take up and pass the legislation. SIA is part of the coalition United for Patent Reform, which includes nearly 130 trade associations and companies fighting to restore integrity to our nation’s patent system.
About the Security Industry Association
The Security Industry Association (SIA) ( is the leading trade association for electronic and physical security solution providers, with more than 600 innovative member companies representing more than 350,000 security leaders and experts who shape the future of the security industry. SIA protects and advances its members' interests by advocating pro-industry policies and legislation at the federal and state levels; creating open industry standards that enable integration; advancing industry professionalism through education and training; opening global market opportunities; and collaboration with other like-minded organizations. As a proud sponsor of ISC Events expos and conferences, and owner of the Securing New Ground® conference, SIA ensures its members have access to top-level buyers and influencers, as well as unparalleled learning and network opportunities.
Mickey McCarter, Security Industry Association,, +1 (301) 804-4704, [email protected]
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