SellerActive’s ‘PriceIntelligence’ Upgrade Boosts E-Commerce Holiday Sales
Salem, OR (PRWEB) December 23, 2013 -- Last month, SellerActive, an e-commerce management software company, released an extensive upgrade to its automated repricing tool. Several businesses who have adopted the new tool have already seen a major spike in their daily average sales, with one seller seeing an 84% increase.
Dubbed PriceIntelligence, the upgrade changes the way SellerActive receives data from Amazon. Before, the software inspected market prices on a routine basis, checking each individual product against competitor listings. Since the upgrade, the software syncs more closely with Amazon’s API, so users will have notifications pushed to their SellerActive dashboard whenever competitors make a price adjustment.
Once SellerActive receives the price notifications, it can automatically and immediately adjust users’ prices according to a set strategy. Users set the parameters of this strategy ahead of time: selecting a maximum and minimum price; whether to aim for the lowest price, the average price, or Amazon’s Buy Box; and which competitors to monitor and which to dismiss as outliers. In short, the service lets users instantly react to market changes without the need for manual adjustments.
So what does the upgrade mean for SellerActive users? First, it makes the software itself significantly more efficient. Receiving pricing notifications directly, rather than continually monitoring the marketplace for changes, substantially reduces processing power and makes any price updates just short of real-time.
Second, it reduces the inefficiency of larger inventories. Without a need to constantly inspect hundreds or thousands of products, size is a non-factor in pricing updates. The software acts just as quickly if a seller has 20 products or 20,000 products.
In the intensely competitive environment of holiday sales, any delay in syncing strategy with execution means lost opportunities for sales. The changes to Amazon’s API and SellerActive’s functionality represent major steps forward in leveling the playing field for smaller sellers competing against giant businesses on the same marketplace.
SellerActive provides e-commerce businesses with web-based tools for dynamic repricing, monitoring inventory levels, and managing incoming orders. They also offer tools and templates for building mobile-optimized and Facebook-integrated stores. All of their services are available risk-free for the first 30 days. They are based in Salem, Oregon.
Jon Le Boeuf, SellerActive,, +1 (541)974 0791, [email protected]
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