Sept. 17 Webinar to Address Federal Grant Internal Controls Under OMB’s New Guidance
Washington, DC (PRWEB) September 08, 2015 -- In its new uniform guidance, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the first time prescribes what the internal controls of recipients and subrecipients should accomplish and what they should look like. The Sept. 17 Federal Fund Management Advisor webinar, http:// “Right-Sizing Your Federal Grant Internal Controls,” will offer a solid understanding of OMB’s key elements of the internal controls guidance and practical advice about how to apply it to federal grants and subgrants.
Federal Fund Management Advisor Principal Bob Lloyd will provide 60 minutes of presentation followed by 30 minutes devoted to individual questions. Participants will learn:
• What are the standard elements of internal control?
• What are the stated objectives of internal controls over cash, property, compliance and reporting?
• How much flexibility do recipients have in fashioning their own controls?
• How can an internal control review be integrated with other grants management processes?
• What other guidance can be used to help inform an organization’s internal control decision making?
• What does OMB have to say about internal controls over time and effort reporting?
• What special control steps should be taken to safeguard personally identifiable information?
• How should internal controls be articulated so that they are understandable and transparent?
• What are auditors being told about how to review and evaluate an organization’s controls?
Visit for more details and registration information.
Bob Lloyd is a respected authority on policies and practices affecting the award, administration and oversight of federal grants, contracts and subawards. Mr. Lloyd has more than 40 years of experience in federal award implementation. Prior to starting his management consulting practice in Washington, D.C., in 1982, he served as the executive director of the Grants Management Advisory Service and held staff positions in two large federally funded organizations. Since then, he has been a consultant, trainer or advisor to award and audit units in 16 federal award-making departments and agencies, and to recipient and subrecipient organizations and their professional advisors located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, several U.S. territories and 18 foreign countries. He is the principal author of several reference works on federal grants management and audits, and currently serves as contributing editor to Federal Grants News, published by Atlantic Information Services. He also is a Charter Life Member of the National Grants Management Association and served on its Board of Directors for five years.
Attendees of the Live Webinar Can Earn Up to 1.5 CPE Credits
Federal Fund Management Advisor is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
About Federal Fund Management Advisor
Federal Fund Management Advisor provides recipients and subrecipients of federal funds with accurate, responsible and practical advice concerning the acquisition, administration and oversight of federal grants, cooperative agreements and contracts. Through management, compliance and best practices webinars, and a wide variety of technical assistance capabilities, this advisory service can help organizations navigate effectively in today’s highly charged federal fund accountability atmosphere. Visit
Shelly Beaird-Francois, Atlantic Information Services,, +1 (202) 775-9008 Ext: 3064, [email protected]
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