Serenity Releases Opioid Addiction Warning For Women Over 50
Marne, Michigan (PRWEB) July 20, 2016 -- Abuse of Opiate-based painkillers has reached epidemic levels across the nation. No community has been left untouched in its wake of devastation. Opiate addiction has not been limited by age, race, gender, or socioeconomic status. In fact, women over the age of 50 have seen a significant rise in abuse of Opioid drugs. There are a variety of factors that have lead to this increase in addiction, and Serenity Recovery Center of Marne, Michigan has released an addiction warning to help women understand the risks associated with prescription painkillers and the nature of addiction.
When pharmaceutical companies first marketed prescription painkillers in the 1990’s, they were originally touted as a safe alternative for pain management. This caused physicians across the United States to begin prescribing the pills at record levels. In fact, since 1999, the number of prescriptions for Opiate-based medications has quadrupled. Unfortunately, so has the number of addictions to these potentially deadly drugs. These pills, which were once considered relatively safe, began having devastating impacts on the lives of individuals throughout the nation. Women over the age of 50 have become particularly vulnerable to this trend of Opiate addiction. According to Serenity Recovery Center, a number of factors have lead to the surge in addiction among this population, including their increased likelihood to visit a doctor for chronic pain, biological differences, and failures in the medical field. In an effort to educate women about the dangers of prescription painkillers, Serenity Recovery Center has released a warning, detailing the nature of Opiate abuse among this population.
For many individuals, addiction to prescription painkillers can happen relatively quickly. A single prescription from a physician can easily turn into a potentially deadly substance abuse issue. This has lead many individuals to seek the drug from different doctors, or even attempt to obtain it illicitly on the streets. The cost of this, however, can become exorbitant, causing some addicts to turn to a cheaper and more potent Opiate-alternative: Heroin. Women over the age of 50 have become particularly vulnerable to addiction to Opiates. According to Serenity Recovery Center, “the reason is complex, but includes [the fact] that women are more likely to take these medications without the supervision of a physician[, the need to] put their full faith and trust in a physician[, and the] societal pressure to do it all and to do it all well.” These factors, amongst others, have led this group of individuals to have dangerously high rates of addiction.
The warning issued by Serenity Recovery Center will not only reach individuals within this vulnerable population, it will also extend to their loved ones. With this information, women and their friends and family members can become aware of the nature of addiction to prescription painkillers and the dangers involved in their use, even under physician supervision. Importantly, they can learn what they must do to avoid and prevent addiction, despite their vulnerabilities.
Over 165,000 individuals have died as a direct result prescription painkillers from 1999 to 2014. Each year, this number continues to risk. Since no group, family, or community has been left untouched by this deadly trend, it is more important than ever to spread the word about addiction prevention. The more information and resources that are available to those in the path of destruction, the more lives can be saved from Opiate use and overdoses.
The professionals at Serenity Recovery have helped treat countless patients who suffer from Opiate abuse. Their knowledge and expertise in the area have led so many individuals down the path towards a happy, healthy, and substance-free future. In an effort to ameliorate the Opiate epidemic, it is essential that people of all ages, races, genders, and social groups become aware of the factors that lead to substance abuse, and what to do when faced with addiction. With this warning by Serenity Recovery Center, the impact of prescription painkiller abuse by women over the age of 50 can be significantly reduced. For more information, please visit the Serenity Recovery website, or call them at 1-855- 218-3775.
Derry Hallmark, Serenity Point Rehab,, +1 616-209-0600, [email protected]
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