Serenity Speaks Out On New Controversial Anti-Addiction Drug Policy
Marne, Michigan (PRWEB) July 26, 2016 -- Buprenorphine is a narcotic that is prescribed to patients who are struggling with addiction to Opiates. Though it is designed to help these individuals manage their cravings to Opiate-based drugs such as Heroin or Percocet, Buprenorphine is, itself, an Opiate. Thus, it carries a high risk of addiction and dependence, just like the substances it is designed to combat. Now, despite the potential hazards involved in the use of Buprenorphine, new regulations are permitting physicians to prescribe the drug to a higher number of patients than previously allowed. In an effort to spread the word about the dangers of using medications to treat addiction, Serenity Recovery Center of Marne, Michigan is speaking out against this controversial new anti-addiction drug policy.
Because of the well-documented dangers, authorized physicians can currently provide up to 100 patients with Buprenorphine. Doctors without this special authorization can only prescribe the medication to up to 30 patients. Approximately 33,000 physicians across the United States currently have the ability to prescribe this potentially harmful drug. Unfortunately, the Department of Health and Human Services is relaxing these standards. Starting in August 2016, approved doctors can treat up to 275 patients with Buprenorphine. This represents a nearly three-fold increase in available prescriptions to this hazardous drug. According to Serenity Recovery Center, not only can use of Buprenorphine lead to addiction, it can also cause serious side effects and complications.
Aside from risk of addiction, perhaps the most distressing impact of Buprenorphine is the fact that it does nothing to treat the underlying causes of addiction. According to Serenity Recovery Center, “As the United States continues to experience epidemic levels of Opiate addiction…, the prescribing practices may be a function of ease. In other words, to keep up with the increasing number of addicted patients, doctors turn to drugs like Buprenorphine as a quick, easy, and cheap treatment option.”
Unfortunately, this option comes with several risks. When the underlying causes of addiction, such as mental health issues or previous trauma, are not addressed during treatment, it will do nothing to help an addict achieve long-term recovery. Serenity, therefore, is committed to providing patients with holistic, natural, and drug-free substance abuse treatment options. With this information provided by Serenity Recovery Center, individuals who are seeking treatment for substance abuse issues can truly understand the nature of Buprenorphine and the potential consequences of its use. They will also learn about the holistic treatment options that are designed to treat the mind, body, and soul, without the use or introduction of additional harmful chemicals.
While Buprenorphine has been proven to reduce drug cravings in individuals who are struggling with addiction to Opiates, it is important to remember that it also comes with a risk of addiction and side effects including seizures, difficulty breathing, vomiting, and cognitive impairment. With these new regulations, more addicts will be subjected to the potentially hazardous consequences associated with Buprenorphine. Holistic treatment options, however, are designed to restore an addict’s natural bodily functions, so he or she can resolve any underlying issues that may have contributed to substance abuse. When drugs are used to treat substance abuse, it can only cause further disruption of a patient’s mind, body, and soul, essentially decreasing his or her ability to achieve long-term sobriety.
Treating drug addiction with more drugs, instead of holistic therapies, is like adding fuel to a fire, when simple, natural water could have put out the flames. The experts at Serenity Recovery Center have seen the devastating impact that anti-addiction drugs can have. Not only have they successfully treated countless individuals for addiction to painkillers and Heroin, they have also helped pick up the pieces for individuals who became addicted to Buprenorphine. When these individuals reached out for help, doctors simply put more drugs in their hands. The professionals at Serenity Recovery Center will do more than put a Band-Aid on a wound that needs stitches, they will help treat each person as a whole, in a unique, personalized, and natural manner. For more information, please visit the Serenity Recovery website, or call them at 1-855- 218-3775.
Derry Hallmark, Serenity Point Rehab,, +1 616-209-0600, [email protected]
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