Sharon Kleyne & Kent Heckenlively Talk Vaccinations & Autism
Grants Pass, OR (PRWEB) January 16, 2017 -- Date aired: January 9, 2017
Guest: Kent Heckenlively, author, editor, attorney, science teacher
Sharon Kleyne, America’s leading water educator, researcher and advocate welcomed health activist, author, science teacher and attorney Kent Heckenlively to her nationally syndicated radio program, The Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water, Global Climate Change and Your Health on Voice America to talk about vaccines, autism, water evaporation and research for cures of water-related health problems.
Sharon Kleyne, whose research and new water technology discoveries at the research center she founded, Bio-Logic Aqua® Research Water Life Science®, have garnered international recognition for her as the global expert on dehydration of the eyes and skin due to excessive evaporation of the body’s water vapor, was eager to learn about Heckenlively’s evolution from attorney to health activist. “I try to educate people around the world every day about the growing global water crisis,” Kleyne said, “and the health dangers associated with dehydration due to excess evaporation of the earth’s water vapor. In doing so,” Kleyne added, “we learn what we need to know to create a new, healthy Water Life Science® lifestyle.” Kleyne asked her listeners and other interested parties to visit for more information about this new water technology and water lifestyle.
Heckenlively shared that, as an attorney, he began to feel that his job was mostly about finding out what people do wrong. “I decided that I was more a teacher than a prosecutor,” he said. Heckenlively also revealed that the onset of autism in both of his children following vaccinations led him to embark on a lifelong crusade to discover the truth behind the incredible rise in cases of autism in the last twenty years. Working with a whistle blower, a CDC scientist with the National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Heckenlively discovered that scientists and researchers knew that vaccines were responsible for new cases of autism, but that they decided to suppress the facts in 2003—2004. Heckenlively’s firestorm book, Inoculated: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, has inspired new research and a new drive towards finding a cure for autism.
Sharon Kleyne applauded Heckenlively’s efforts and compared the situation to the late nineteenth century when water research was increasingly discouraged by politicians, foundations and universities. “As a result,” Kleyne said, “we experienced a precipitous decline in the number of cures being discovered for a host of diseases and illnesses.” Kleyne pointed out that even though the situation has improved in the last couple of decades, we are still far from an optimal situation in which politicians and business leaders embrace the need to make water our number one infrastructure priority. “Until we do that,” Kleyne said, “we will continue to be imperiled by a global water crisis and the health hazards that arise as a result of it. This includes misguided research that develops vaccines that cause other horrible conditions like autism in children.”
Sharon Kleyne, Bio-Logic Aqua® Research – Water Life Science® -Rogue Media,, +1 (800) 367-6478, [email protected]
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