Six Pack Shortcuts: Review Examining Mike Chang’s Workout Training Program Released
Houston, TX (PRWEB) October 24, 2013 -- Mike Chang claims that he can show people the right way to get ripped and beautiful in Six Pack Shortcuts has the caught attention of’s Stan Stevenson, prompting an investigative review.
“Six Pack Shortcuts is basically a three part video based program that concentrates on what Mike Chang calls the Afterburn effect. Not only do you get exactly the information you need to get ripped, but it’s easy to watch and follow,” reports Stevenson. “Six Pack Shortcuts utilizes high-level intensity training, which is scientifically proven to burn more calories longer, which means that you honestly can get the results you crave from working out only 45 minutes per day, five days per week.”
The Six Pack Shortcuts review shows it's comprised of four phases and each of these phases requires a work out five days a week for around 45 minutes. Phase One is all about getting the metabolism revved up to full power, Phase Two is Muscle building time and seeing the waist line begin to decrease in size, Phase Three is all about heavier weights to shock the body into continued muscle building and fat burning instead of plateauing out, Phase Four is fat shredding time, and here is where people lose those last few pounds of stubborn fat. During Phase One, users discover high intensity interval training techniques and mass orientated exercises. The exercises in Phase Four are extremely varied, ensuring that the six pack remains in place and as beautiful as one needs it to be.
To learn more or get access to the program click here.
“There’s no confusion about how to carry out each and every exercise in Six Pack Shortcuts because you can actually see it. Thanks to the video for each one, you can ensure your technique is perfect, and therefore get maximum results from each and every rep you carry out,” says Stevenson. “Six Pack Shortcuts includes a printable workout log, access to the Six Pack Shortcuts members’ site, and personal fitness advice. The program factors in two rest days per week, the crucial warm ups, and warm downs, which are essential to keep your body strong and injury free.”
“If you want to get those abs to die for and are of a reasonable level of fitness already, then Six Pack Shortcuts might as well have been written specifically for you. It does not matter if you’re a committed body builder or an amateur keep fitter, because the results will be the same. This is one seriously intense workout regime. There’s no reason why ladies too can’t follow Mr. Chang’s program because the exercises will work just as well for them as it does for the guys.”
Those wishing to purchase Six Pack Shortcuts review or for more information, click here.
To access a comprehensive Six Pack Shortcuts review, visit
Mark Harris,,, 879-978-9863, [email protected]
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