Social worker’s new memoir gives voice to juvenile inmates
NEW YORK CITY (PRWEB) January 25, 2016 -- After years spent working and living with the innumerable stories, histories, anguish, humor, tears and remorse of the residents in their care, Susan Lukin came to see that there is a vast discrepancy between the reality of detention and the views and preconceived notions people have regarding New York City’s juvenile justice system. With “The Child Inside” (published by Trafford Publishing) she offers readers a new and different viewpoint about this segment of American society while conveying her belief that in many cases detention can be a blessing in disguise as, in her own words, “the longer a youth stays in detention, the better it is for him.”
“The Child Inside” contains her reflection of experiences, stories and vignettes collected over the years she has worked in two juvenile detention facilities. The stories encompass a wide demographic as the ages of the residents range from 10 to 15 years old. According to Lukin, many often turn 16 and 17 while waiting for dispositions on their cases, while former residents who are in their late teens also frequently return to detention on old cases. Lukin captures the diversity of this population and shows that each resident has a story, a unique personality, needs, experiences and hopes. She humanizes them and shows that life does not end upon entering juvenile detention, as the residents are still growing youths who are being supervised by social workers and juvenile counselors who are doing their best to guide them in realizing their potential and creating productive lives for themselves.
“The area of juvenile detention is an area that is not often discussed, and if it is, the dialogue is generally one of negativity and uncertainty. ‘The Child Inside’ will offer a new reflection and viewpoint about this subject which readers will hopefully appreciate.” Lukin says, by dispelling stereotypes and preconceptions with testimonies from those involved in the system, she reveals the realities faced by incarcerated youths and social workers alike. “They and the staff working with them create and weave the fabric inside the detention walls. We are not locked in by the big keys we carry around; if we do not recognize these children as having potential and try to help them discover it, we are truly locked in within our own minds.”
“The Child Inside”
By Susan Lukin
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 140 pages | ISBN 9781490767239
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 140 pages | ISBN 9781490767246
E-Book | 140 pages | ISBN 9781490767253
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
In addition to writing, Susan Lukin’s other interests include painting, reading, crocheting, Reiki, fitness, making furniture, music and traveling.
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