Somebody Great is Building A 'Positive Social Network'
Irvine, California (PRWEB) October 07, 2017 -- Somebody Great, a startup from Orange County is currently beta testing their brand of social network which aims to help the world become a better place.
From community projects to groups about vegan lifestyles to petitions, they have their work cut out for them. They also have a strict, 'No Politics Allowed' policy. No one has ever attempted to heavily monitor a social media platform before and the outcome may be surprising.
According to an article from USA TODAY, hate groups are exploding on social media and these types of groups are not welcome here, as far as Somebody Great is concerned.
"Social Media would be a much better experience if we didn't allow all the garbage we see today," says Ryan Herron. He goes on to say, "I can't tell you how many times per day I have to bite my tongue while surfing my other timelines and I am on a mission to end that."
This project has started a Kickstarter campaign and hopes to gauge the willingness of the general population to set a higher standard for their online communication. This feasibility study is to see if the masses are fed up and want a better social media experience.
Everybody loves reading those statistics online (Example 87% of men do this....) but the project has a requirement that every statistic posted should come with at least 3 verified sources before it is allowed. The moderators heavily inspect everything on the site and hope to become a 'safe haven' for the portion of people who have become turned off by social networks.
It is highly doubtful that Somebody Great will be the next Facebook but the owners hope to attract a group of folks that really do want to make the world a better place.
Ryan Herron,, +1 (865) 963-1457, [email protected]
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