Specialty Technical Publishers (STP) and Specialty Technical Consultants (STC) Publish Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Audit Protocol for Indonesia
(PRWEB) June 14, 2016 -- Specialty Technical Publishers (STP) and Specialty Technical Consultants (STC) announce the availability of the newly updated International Audit Protocol Consortium (IAPC) EHS audit protocol for Indonesia. Leading companies around the world use IAPC EHS audit protocols to understand the scope of their EHS regulatory obligations and rapidly collect, share, archive, and export audit findings in a cost effective manner. IAPC EHS Audit Protocols are now prepared by STC in partnership with STP and continue to focus on those national (plus, in some cases, regional or provincial) EHS requirements that have site-specific application for manufacturing operations. As a leading EHS management consulting firm with a global network of experienced EHS teaming partners, STC has indepth knowledge and technical expertise of local/regional EHS requirements.
STP and STC maintain leading-edge EHS audit protocols for more than 30 jurisdictions. The protocol documents are written in English and are available in MS Word, Adobe Acrobat and Excel formats, as well as through STP’s web-based portal or can be integrated into an existing company platform. Using the protocols’ custom templates and advanced functionality features, auditors can easily track audit findings and manage data over time to improve compliance, risk management and safety performance. In addition, STP’s formatting is compatible with leading risk management and sustainability platform providers.
Highlights of selected legislation covered in the newly updated protocol include:
• "Law No. 5 of 1984 Regarding Industry, June 29, 1984" was repealed and replaced with "Law Number 3 Year 2014 regarding Industry, January 15, 2014." This Law serves as the foundation of legislation regarding industrial affairs. In addition to establishing objectives for Indonesian industry, the means to administer industrial regulations, and penalties for violations of industrial law, this Law establishes requirements for operating licenses and facility reporting.
• "Regulation of the Minister of Industry No. 41/M-IND/PER/5/2014 regarding Prohibition on the Use of Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) in Industry, May 26, 2014," was adopted. This Regulation stipulates the provisions on the use of HCFC as raw materials or supporting materials in the production processes and/or product operation of air condition, air temperature controller, refrigeration equipment, foam, fire extinguishers, and/or solvents. And to prohibit the use of HCFC-22 and HCFC-141b.
• "Head of BAPEDAL Decree No. KEP-05/BAPEDAL/09/1995 Concerning Symbols and Labels for Dangerous and Toxic Wastes, September 5, 1995," was repealed by "Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 14 Year 2013 regarding Symbols and Labels for Dangerous and Toxic Wastes, December 23, 2013. Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 14 Year 2013" stipulates the obligations and provisions with regards to the identification and hazard communication of dangerous and toxic wastes (B3 wastes) applied to B3 waste packing, storage and transportation.
• "Government Regulation No. 18 of 1999 Regarding Dangerous and Toxic Waste Management, February 27, 1999" was repealed by the "Government Regulation Number 101 Year 2014 regarding Management of Dangerous and Toxic Wastes." This Regulation stipulates the legal requirements of the dangerous and toxic wastes (B3 wastes) management aspects to include LB3 classification, reduce, storage, collection, transportation, utilization, processing, landfill, dumping, exemption (de-listing), transboundary, response to environmental contamination and/or damage, remediation, facilitation, supervision, and sanction.
• "Regulation of the Minister for Public Works No. 03/PRT/M/2013 regarding the Establishment of Waste Facilities and Infrastructures in the Management of Household Wastes and Household-like Wastes, March 14, 2013" was reviewed for this update. This Regulation stipulates the general plans, waste management, provisions for waste final processing and treatment facilities, and the closure or rehabilitation of landfills (TPA).
• "Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2013 regarding the Management of Radioactive Waste, September 12, 2013," was reviewed for this update. This Regulation revokes the "Government Regulation No. 27 Year 2002 regarding the Management of Radioactive Waste" and stipulates the provisions for managing radioactive wastes generated from the utilization of ionic radiation source or the utilization of nuclear material, construction, operation, and/or decommissioning of nuclear installation.
• "Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 5 Year 2014 regarding Wastewater Quality Standards, October 15, 2014," came into force. This Regulation stipulates wastewater quality standards for various industries which previously were regulated independently in various decrees and regulations. This regulation also repealed "State Minister of the Environment Decree No. KEP-51/MENLH/10/1995 On Liquid Waste Quality Standards For Industrial Activities, October 23, 1995."
• "Regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. 26 Year 2014 regarding Evaluation of the Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3), December 2014" was enacted. This regulation stipulates the obligation to implement "Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3)" by companies employing no less than 100 personnel or companies with high hazard potential. Evaluation on the implementation of SMK3 is to be performed to companies upon company’s voluntary request for audit SMK3, or mandatory periodic audit for companies in the field of oil and gas industry and mining industry, or mandatory periodic audit for companies with high hazard potential as determined by the "Director General and/or Provincial Office Head."
• "Decree of the Director General of Manpower Supervision and Occupational Safety and Health (PPK&K3) No. Kep.47/PPK&K3/VIII/2015 regarding Training for Occupational Safety and Health Expert (AK3) for Electrical Works, August 5, 2015" came into force. This Decree stipulates the training requirements for personnel assigned for electrical works that include design, installation, modification, maintenance as well as inspection and testing of electrical installations, fittings and equipment in the workplace.
• "Instructions of the Minister of Manpower No. Ins.11/M/BW/1997 regarding Occupational Health and Safety Special Supervision on Fire Response, October 21, 1997," was added to this update. This Instruction was issued by the Minister of Manpower for the supervision and facilitation of occupational health and safety with regard to fire response at the workplace.
• "Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 14 Year 2013" regarding Symbols and Labels for Dangerous and Toxic Wastes, December 29, 2013, came into force. This Regulation repeals the "Decree of the Head of BAPEDAL No. Kep.05/BAPEDAL/09/1995" and stipulates the provisions for symbols and labels used for B3 wastes.
• "Government Regulation No. 101 Year 2014 regarding Dangerous and Toxic Waste Management, October 17, 2014," came into force. This Regulation repeals the "Government Regulation No. 18 Year 1999 as last amended by the Government Regulation No. 85 Year 1999" and stipulates provisions for the management of Dangerous and Toxic Wastes (B3 wastes) in Indonesia.
• "Government Regulation No. 58 Year 2015 regarding Radiation Safety and Safeguard in Transport of Radioactive Substances, August 10, 2015" was enacted. This Regulation stipulates the technical radiation safety in the transport of radioactive substances to include radioactive substances in transportation; wrap arrangements, protection program and radiation safety in the transport of radioactive substances; and placement of wrap during the transport of radioactive substance and wrap storage during transit.
• "Regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. 26 Year 2015 regarding the Procedure for Work Accident Security, Death Security, and Old Age Security for Wage Recipient Participants, October 13, 2015," requires a report for every work accident or work related illness experienced by an employee.
• "Government Regulation No. 44 Year 2015 regarding Establishment of Work Accident Security and Death Security Programs, June 30, 2015," was added, and includes requirements pertaining to accident reporting was added.
• "Government Regulation No. 2 Year 2014 regarding Licensing for Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Substance Utilization, January 16, 2014," was enacted. This Regulation repeals the "Government Regulation No. 43 Year 2006 regarding Licensing for Nuclear Reactor and the Government Regulation No. 29 Year 2008 regarding Licensing for Ionizing Radiation Source and Nuclear Substances Utilization."
• "Minister of Health Decree No.1405/MENKES/SK/XI/2002 regarding Health Provisions for Offices and Industrial Work Environments, November 19, 2002," was added to this protocol update. This Decree stipulates the provisions to establish healthy working environment in offices and industries to include in the aspects of air, water, wastes, illumination, noise, vibration, and disease vectors, as well as health provisions on work sites, spaces, buildings, toilets, and installations.
• "Decree of the Director General of Manpower Supervision No. Kep-84/PPK/X/2012 regarding Procedure for Preparation of the Document on Control of Major and Moderate Hazard Potentials, October 31, 2012" was included in this update. This Decree implements the "Minister of Manpower Decree No. 187 of 1999 regarding Control of Dangerous Chemicals in the Workplace, Article 16(1) Letter c." This Decree stipulates the procedure for preparing the document on control of major and moderate hazard potentials including the procedure to obtain approval of the document.
• "Law No. 10 Year 2013 regarding the Ratification of Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, May 8, 2013," was enacted. This Law ratifies the Rotterdam Convention to establish legal foundation in Indonesia with regard to the control and supervision of import and export of certain dangerous chemicals and pesticides.
• "Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 75/M-DAG/PER/10/2014 regarding the Second Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 44/M-DAG/PER/9/2009 regarding Procurement, Distribution, and Control of Dangerous Materials, October 14, 2014" came into force. This Regulation is the second amendments to "Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 44/M-DAG/PER/9/2009" to include changes in general terms, types of dangerous materials, permit to import, ports of import destination, distribution, packing and repacking, and prohibitions.
For more information on all International EHS audit protocols offered by STP and STC, click here.
About Specialty Technical Publishers
Specialty Technical Publishers (STP) produces technical resource guides covering environmental, health & safety, transportation, accounting, business practices, standards and law, offering comprehensive guidance on key compliance and regulatory issues. STP is a division of Glacier Media Inc., a Canadian information communications company that provides primary and essential information in print, electronic and online media. Glacier’s Business and Professional Information Group publishes directories,technical manuals, research and development materials, medical education, electronic databases, investment information and specialty websites.
About Specialty Technical Consultants
Specialty Technical Consultants, Inc. (STC) is a specialized management consulting working to enhance environmental health and safety (EHS) performance. Through it's consulting services, STC partners with clients to strengthen management systems design and implementation, and identifies needs and implements solutions to meet business objectives. Services provided include: EHS compliance support; risk assessment; EHS auditing; corporate responsibility and sustainability; EHS management systems development and implementation; EHS regulatory information tools; and EHS training.
STC is certified as a Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) and the Supplier Clearinghouse for the California Public Utilities Commission, and as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program.
Lorraine O'Donovan, Specialty Technical Publishers, http://www.stpub.com, +1 1-800-251-0381, [email protected]
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