Spirit-Led Publishing Announces a New Book by Shirley Smith entitled I Am Coming -- Hear My Voice
South Africa (PRWEB) January 04, 2016 -- In the message from the Lord He said to Shirey:
"Now I say to you; you shall receive all you have sown.
The gods you follow cannot save you.
You are bankrupt in your wealth and your blindness has led to your fall.
These people have taken My Word and thrown it out and dishonoured it.
I have seen, I have seen! They think I am blind like them.
Oh the fools. Yes the fools!
Leave Babylon, Come Out!
Do not participate with the world.
Repent now in earnest prayer that I may hear you!
Come Now is the Time to Come!
You who remain luke warm will be cast into hell. Yes, hell that many believe do not exist!
Come Now, while grace and mercy abound for I come soon to take that which is Mine.
Come Now, repent and seek Me while I may be found!
Come, Hear My Voice!"
The Lord Jesus Christ chose to give His warning to both the Christians and the World in all its pride and arrogance to Shirley Smith as His Witness, since mankind no longer listens or hears His prophets, as their words fall on deaf ears and very few heed them. The Lord proves His message by referencing the Bible and sets out to prove that His 'Word' is faithful and true and never changes and is the same yesterday, today and forever.
God's message is very clear. He is calling out to a world heading for destruction to repent and seek Him in earnest prayers of repentance while His grace and mercy abound and while He may still be found because He wants all to be saved and none to perish.
He takes issue with Christians, the church and the world and His message is direct and yet His heart is clearly seen and felt. He repeats many words over and over again in an attempt to bring each reader to the truth of His Word. The Lord says; Do not remain deaf and blind. Wake up!
We are the 'last generation' and we will witness His return for it is imminent. People throughout the world feel it regardless of their beliefs or standing in the world. They are aware within, that the world is heading down a path of destruction and it is therefore perfect timing for God to send His message of both hope and warning. God is calling every single human being on earth to COME NOW and to HEAR HIS VOICE!
A message from Shirley Smith - To all that read this message and especially to Christians, please know the Lord is doing this so please help us to get this message into the world by reading and sharing the message via all means at your disposal. Those that know Jesus and His voice will know it is Him speaking.
To order all of Jesus' message in the print or E-Book visit
http://www.iamcominghearmyvoice.com or
Shirley Smith, http://www.IAmComingHearMyVoice.com, +1 (323) 551-7519, [email protected]
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