Sprinkler Warehouse Aims to Reduce Number of West Nile Virus Cases Through Education and an All-natural Pesticide Alternative
Houston, Texas (PRWEB) April 29, 2014 -- Since the first reported case of West Nile Virus in New York City in 1999 West Nile Virus has spread across America like an epidemic, and it seems there is no easy way to eradicate the disease. The best defense we have is an education. The key to eradicating the disease is not to prevent people from being stung, but rather prevent the mosquitoes from being born and becoming carriers of the disease in the first place.
Sprinkler Warehouse has teamed up with Texas based companies; CedarCide & SkeetOBusters to reach out to the public and inform them of how they can best protect their family from the dreaded virus, while at the same time helping to stop the spread of the virus all together. Cedar based products are taking the market by storm because of their new found effectiveness for eliminating pests of all types with relatively no side effects or dangers.
West Nile Virus comes and goes in surges, but it never ever really goes away, making it particularly dangerous. As the reported cases of infection swell and contract the population is lulled into a carnal security thinking that it could never happen to them- that they would never be infected resulting in carelessness and a casual attitude toward mosquito disease.
Looking back to the year 2013, a total of 2374 cases of West Nile Virus were reported with 114 deaths attributed to the disease (down significantly from 286 deaths in 2012) and in 2014, the West Nile Virus has a strong potential to exceed the 2013 numbers due to the mild winter. Nevertheless, there is no surefire way to know what kind of mosquito season we will have this year, but one thing we can be sure of is our level of preparedness.
Transmission of the virus occurs through mosquito bites. This leads people to believe that the primary defense we have against the spreading of disease is taking action to prevent mosquitoes from biting you, your kids and your pets or animals.
Naturally people automatically think of mosquito repellent sprays as the primary defense against mosquitoes. However, they are widely varied in their cost, features and functionality.
Perhaps the greatest protection against mosquito’s bites is to wear long sleeve shirts and pants whenever possible in conjunction with a spray or repellent, because it’s not possible for the mosquitoes to bite your skin through the material of your clothing.
Just like cell phones and power companies have peak hours, so do mosquitoes! If you know when these hours are, than you can more easily avoid them and keep them from ruining your outing! Mosquitoes come out in full forces most often around dusk and dawn times of the day. Plan your day to avoid too early of a start or staying too late and you will experience less mosquito attack.
April showers also bring standing water though, which brings forth new mosquitoes. Now is the time to spread the word about mosquito awareness and most specifically West Nile Virus awareness.Empty any stagnant and free standing collections of water. Simply dump them out and turn the vessel upside down or prop it up so that it will not refill with water.
For homeowners and small business owners that wish to take a proactive stance against mosquitoes and other insects in general there are a couple of suitable options.
• Contracting with a local pest control business will ensure that your property is pest free on a regular basis. With regular treatments of the property on a frequent basis the mosquito (and pest) population will stay low throughout the entire season. However this type of service can be expensive and prohibitive.
• An excellent alternative that people can utilize is a fertigation/pestigation unit attached to their existing sprinkler system. These units are designed to be an all-in-one plug-and-play solution for all your fertilizing and pest control needs. It simply uses the existing sprinkler system to apply fertilizers and/or organic pesticides through the sprinkler heads to the grass and irrigated parts of the property thereby creating an effective boundary for pests. Units are available starting around $950 and can be installed quickly and easily by a certified installer or a savvy do-it-yourselfer. This may sound like an expensive investment initially, but it quite cost effective because it will continue to serve the property for years to come.
• There are some areas of your yard and/or property which are prone to gathering puddles. Tarps and tires are two of the most infamous offenders when it comes to standing water. Perhaps you have a rain collection barrel designed for capturing water or catch basins installed to carry away drainage water. These can be prime targets for mosquito breeding, especially because they are often physically obscured and hidden away from view. It is recommended that homeowners use an all natural product to protect the areas and prevent them from becoming a breeding ground for your yard. By simply applying an appropriate measure of liquid cedar oil to the water (such as Best Yet & PCO by CedarCide) and the oil acts as a barrier by creating a thin layer on top of the standing water and repelling mosquitoes.
• Secondly the oil will dehydrating and prevents any eggs that it comes in contact with from hatching. So it can be used effectively in several situations. (this type of oil is the same kind used in the sprinkler fertigation/pestigation units.)
CedarCide & SkeetOBuster products are available for purchase today from Sprinkler Warehouse. The staff at Sprinkler Warehouse will be happy to answer questions, educate and advise your viewers on the best ways to use Cedar based products to defend against mosquitoes and other common household pests.
Steve Okelberry, Sprinkler Warehouse, http://www.sprinklerwarehouse.com, +1 281-500-9800 Ext: 312, [email protected]
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