Stanford S. Penner Releases ‘The Crowded Scene’
LA JOLLA, Calif. (PRWEB) April 10, 2015 -- The author Stanford S. Penner has long been concerned about the world’s alarming population growth, and the economic and sociopolitical effects it may have on the future generations of humanity. In “The Crowded Scene” (published by Xlibris) the author tackles these issues with years of well-founded study and data.
“The Crowded Scene” is an eye-opening read with the central topic that there will be larger and growing demands for food, and all other requirements for human population growths which will be increasingly difficult to meet especially in poorer parts of the world. The book tackles the issue of overpopulation and takes into account the possible effects it would have on humanity and future generations to come.
It is specifically addressed to responsible adults who are concerned about the long-term security and survivability of future generations under livable and pleasant conditions
“The Crowded Scene”
By Stanford S. Penner
Hardcover | 6x9 in | 144 pages | ISBN 9781503519954
Softcover | 6x9 in | 144 pages | ISBN 9781503519961
E-Book | 144 pages | ISBN 9781503519978
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Stanford S. Penner is a distinguished professor emeritus of engineering physics at the University of California, San Diego. During World War II, he worked at the Allegany Ballistics Laboratory in Cumberland, Maryland, on rocket developments before returning to the University of Wisconsin, Madison, to complete studies for the PhD in physical chemistry. He then worked briefly for Exxon before joining the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and then the faculty of the California Institute of Technology as an assistant professor of Jet Propulsion before advancement to Associate and then Full Professor of Jet Propulsion. After about 10 years at Caltech, he transferred to the newly founded University of California at San Diego as chairman of the newly founded department of aerospace engineering while collaborating with the distinguished Chinese scientist and engineer H. S. Tsien (who is now celebrated as the developer of Chinese rocketry in China) and also with Th. von Karman who came to America at Caltech as head of aerospace engineering from the University of Aachen in Germany shortly before World War 2.
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