Sunset World Resorts Achieves Successful Results in the Sea Turtle Conservation Program
Cancún, Quintana Roo (PRWEB) August 25, 2017 -- The state of Quintana Roo is fortunate to receive annual visits from four of the seven known
species of sea turtles, which arrive on the beaches to nest. The preservation of these specimens is of the
utmost importance to Sunset World. Therefore we take action to assure its protection.
México’s broad biodiversity provides the ideal conditions for six of the seven species of sea turtles to
choose our country as a place to feed, rest and breed, and for that reason it is very important to respect
and care for their nests, as these marine animals are catalogued within the Mexican law as endangered
In an effort to counteract and avoid the negative effects of overfishing, the destruction of nests and of
turtle habitats by human activity, Sunset World Resorts and Vacation Experiences support the “Sea
Turtle Protection Program” in Cancún.
Corrals are installed for the protection and care of the eggs and hatchlings of Green sea turtles
(Chelonia mydas), Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), Leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys
coriacea) and Hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), on the beach in front of the Sunset
Royal hotel. We work in direct collaboration with Cancún’s municipality government.
The Municipal Ecology Department assures requirements are met under the operating permit of the
turtle camp that the Wildlife Directorate issues. Sunset World participates in this program from the
beginning of the nesting season in late April and early May until November. Sunset World is committed
to protecting natural resources and guaranteeing the protection of the female specimens that deposit
their eggs during the nesting season.
From 2009 to 2016, Sunset World has actively participated in the Sea Turtle Protection Program,
achieving the recovery of 64,586 eggs and the liberation of 53,900 hatchlings of Green, Hawksbill and
Loggerhead sea turtles. The most abundant has been the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and in second
place the Loggerhead (Caretta caretta). Through August of the current year, 11,638 eggs have been
deposited in the corrals designated for turtles at Sunset Royal hotel and 1,079 baby turtles have been
Sunset World expects this figure to increase considerably as the gestation cycle of the eggs comes to an
end as the number of eggs deposited is the highest since 2011.
Personnel are trained in the safe management of females, eggs and nests by the Municipal Ecology
Department, and in the management of the turtle corral, which is installed following the guidelines
established by the Municipal Ecology Department.
These are the actions carried out by Sunset World during the 2017 Sea Turtle Protection Program:
Handling specifications
Employee training
Pen construction
Preservation techniques
Pen area selection
Female turtle handling
Egg recollection
Nest planting
Nest location
Nest and egg counts
Hatchling controlled liberation
Nests, hatchlings and female arrival statistical reporting
Lounge chair and Balinese bed removal, lights off at night, lightspotting
Public Relations Department, Sunset World Resorts & Vacation Experiences,, +52 9982874157 Ext: 3508, [email protected]
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