Surgeon Dr. Tamer Seckin Announces Endo Strong Patient of the Week Campaign
New York, New York (PRWEB) January 21, 2014 -- Co-founder of the Endometriosis Foundation of America, Dr. Tamer Seckin recently released a patient success story as part of his Endo Strong Patient of the Week campaign to educate women of the symptoms and importance of treatment of endometriosis.
This week’s patient story is about Sara, a woman who dealt with her feminine issues alone and did not realize the severity of her endometriosis until it was almost too late. Dr. Seckin believes listening to the patient’s needs and finding the correct recovery plan is important to curing the disease.
In the success story, Dr. Seckin stresses the importance of going to a specialist for your pain and being comfortable with the method of care the doctor suggests. While Sarah found a specialist to remove a large cyst on her right ovary, which led to the discovery of her endometriosis, the doctor only suggested Lupron to mask the pain of the endometriosis instead of eradicating the endometriosis with a surgery.
The prescription drug Lupron has potential severe side effects including joint and muscle aches, and vaginal discomfort. Plus, Sara had a history of not responding well to hormones and unfortunately this was the only solution she was given.
“Had I not intervened, Sara’s intestines would have ruptured within 6 weeks and she could have died,” said Dr. Seckin. “I am hoping with our Endo Strong Patient of the Week spotlights that we can educate young women early so they get to a specialist before it is too late.”
Life without successful diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis leads to mental and physical exhaustion. Since the surgery and recovery, Sara has been pain-free and has a restored amount of energy, even allowing her to start her own company. To read the full success story with Sara and Dr. Seckin, visit:
About Dr. Seckin:
Dr. Tamer Seckin has focused on the surgical treatment of endometriosis for decades and today is a well-regarded expert in the field. His New York City based practice is known for its warm, dedicated and continuous patient care, exceptional skill and thoroughness. As a leading endometriosis specialist and laparoscopic surgeon, Dr. Seckin understands the frustration that affected individuals may feel. Dr. Seckin's treatment approach is the gold standard--Advanced Laparoscopic Excision Surgery (deep removal of all the disease). He performs almost scar-free surgery, which means less pain and cosmetically acceptable results.
Jeanne Rebillard, Endometriosis Foundation of America,, +1 212-430-0372, [email protected]
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