Swedenborg Foundation Unveils Production Enhancements to Flagship YouTube Broadcast
West Chester, PA (PRWEB) August 17, 2017 -- The Swedenborg Foundation recently implemented some key changes to its flagship program—a popular weekly YouTube webcast on the offTheLeftEye channel—a channel that now has more than 9 million lifetime views. First, Rev. Dr. Jonathan S. Rose, series editor of the New Century Edition of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg, is joining long-time producer and host of Swedenborg and Life Curtis Childs to act as co-host of the show. In addition, a simplified episode format and the launch of a new series of live chats with Childs and featured guests will provide channel subscribers and viewers a more seamless viewing experience as well as the opportunity to form a deeper relationship with the show’s content, its creators, and fellow audience members.
Over the years Dr. Rose, who is a holder of an MDiv in religion and a PhD in Latin, has appeared as a frequent guest on the show, lending his knowledge and rich experience in researching Swedenborg’s scientific and theological works but also offering a lifetime of practical experience with issues of the heart and mind. Before taking on his role as series editor, Jonathan was both a chaplain and a tenured professor of religion and sacred languages at Bryn Athyn College in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania.
Dr. Rose’s debut corresponded with the introduction of a new and improved format of Swedenborg and Life episodes and was quickly followed with the launch of a series of live chats on the YouTube channel with host Curtis Childs where viewers can have informal conversations about a wide range of topics related to faith, spirituality, and humanity each week.
The team of content creators from the Swedenborg Foundation who manage the offTheLeftEye YouTube channel will celebrate the one-year anniversary of their move to a cutting-edge production studio in October. The new space granted the video production team bigger recording spaces and upgrades to their equipment, which have played an essential role in the recently debuted enhancements.
Over the last five years, the Swedenborg Foundation’s YouTube videos have been showing viewers how love and wisdom can unite—even in tense social climates where political, religious, and economic turmoil exists.
About offTheLeftEye and the Swedenborg Foundation:
offTheLeftEye is a YouTube channel with a spiritual reality show at its core and a universal message of goodwill for all viewers. Creator, producer, and host Curtis Childs started the channel in 2010 to find out if the divinely inspired philosophies of eighteenth-century scientist and spiritual teacher Emanuel Swedenborg would resonate with a twenty-first-century audience. He first produced a series of short videos that laid the groundwork for the channel’s extensive body of content. In 2012, he joined the Swedenborg Foundation, a non-profit educational organization, because of their mutual interest in sharing Swedenborg’s altruistic views with the world.
In 2014, Childs and a team of writers, digital artists, and videographers on a quest to become “spiritual physicists” set off to create a video series that would become their flagship program—Swedenborg and Life. The weekly webcast seeks to explore and unite what is often separated in fields of study and in humanity: mind and soul, love and wisdom, thoughts and actions. They accomplish this multi-part endeavor by balancing faith-based concepts with evidence-based research with the help of subject experts such as best-selling author of Life After Life, Dr. Raymond Moody, as well as accomplished scientists, psychologists, and theological scholars. This diverse group of contributors lends a depth of perspective when the show tackles intense questions about God and life that organized religions often ignore or struggle to explain.
Since the show's inception, almost 200 episodes have been broadcast every Monday at 8:00 p.m. ET from a production studio in Montgomery County, PA. Today, the channel has 50,000+ subscribers comprised of people from various religious and non-religious backgrounds in countries throughout the world who want to find common ground and meaning in complex social settings. The team was fortunate to have one of their first and most popular videos, "You Are the Lungs," aired during a segment of The Dr. Oz Show in February 2017. The video effectively depicts how the rational and emotional properties of the physical and spiritual realms can converge inside of each person. It encapsulates the driving force behind the team’s mission: To be of service to the world by uniting knowledge and love with action.
The Swedenborg Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization in West Chester, PA.
Amy Acquarola, Swedenborg Foundation, http://www.swedenborg.com, +1 (610) 430-3222 Ext: 103, [email protected]
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