Synchronicity Foundation Builds On Hope
Faber, VA (PRWEB) April 27, 2015 -- The hail and thunder may last only a few minutes during a cloudburst. Nonetheless, it’s capable of dumping tens of thousands of unpredictable tons of water over one arid acre that causes flooding. At times during the business day, when it appears that normal conditions are suddenly colluding and clashing, it’s not uncommon for the moment to seem overwhelmingly filled with outside disturbances and tremors. Da Vinci offered the observation that precipitations are the “driving force of nature.”
The threatening forces that come upon the calm of the day are assailed by two of Synchronicity Foundation’s official re-releases of 2015: The 24+ chapter book, “Awakening from the American Dream”, in league with the balancing tool and modern meditation method, “NOW…The Technology”. Both are the subject of growing, monthly, media attention, with the series concluding in February 2016.
The author and creator, Master Charles Cannon, attests that both the book and the technology tool, when experienced together, are the best foul weather instruments against the system of illusions and false hopes spun by a society that’s misguided and misleading.
In the mythology of Prometheus and Pandora, the cautious Prometheus was considered mankind’s benefactor, who wanted only the best for civilization. In their day the powers-that-be had other “hopes” for their subjects and presented dreamy Pandora with all of her curiosities to an unsuspecting world. In his book, Master Charles Cannon, a modern-day promethean, advises his readers to beware of those bearing “gifts”. Chapter-by-chapter he opens fire and spreads the word that all is not well in the dream state of America. He emboldens one-and-all to “just say no” to all of the intoxications loitering across the land, devised, not for living, but to anesthetize and hang everyone up. In his considerate outlook on humanity he makes it easy to consider that complacency and oblivion are nothing but a “can-of-worms” that have been parading around as a “can-of-spinach” far too long.
At the very bottom of his message lies the cruelest hope of all. Not the false hope that’s propounded by the party-line. Not the hopes distributed by the privileged to ensnare. The last thing to come out of Pandora’s Box and fly around the world was the hope that did nothing more than merely dress, but never mends, mankind’s ills.
The Synchronicity Foundation offers something greater that hope NOW…The Technology. Start with any stereophonic sound-speaker system, portable i-Pod, MP3, or with headphones, or on-low. Then push Play. Alpha, theta, delta and subtle gamma frequency patterns, bio-geometrically, and holo-dynamically perform the “synchronicity”. This audio-sonic, entrainment technology is a balancing tool that’s instrumental in bringing many an acoustic quality benefit to its users, such as restoring personal balance. In plain English, these good vibrations entrain, or balance those disturbing, racing, spun-around brainwaves, which are so hazardous to everyone’s otherwise preferred state of equilibrium.
At the entrance gate to the Inferno, Dante puts forth these words, “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here”. The book, “Awakening from the American Dream”, and NOW…The Technology builds on the theme, rending hope useless, while accelerating the senses in real time.
For background, interview, feature, or cover materials, refer to:
Master Charles Cannon
Master Spiritual Teacher of “Modern Spirituality”
Disciple of Swami Muktananda Paramahansa
Author of: “Bliss of Freedom”, ”Meditation Tool Box”, “Modern Spirituality” book and CD set, “Forgiving the Unforgivable” and “Awakening from the American Dream”
Founder of International Synchronicity Foundation for Modern Spirituality, and Synchronicity Sanctuary Retreat Center
Pioneer of the High-Tech Meditation Method "Modern Meditation for a Modern World"
Program Event Host at the Blue Ridge Mountains, Central Virginia International Retreat Center
Web Channel Leader and Teacher @
Phone: 757-644-3400 Ext 3382
Fax: 434-361-1058
Email: synch(at)synchronicity(dot)org
Primary Website:
School of Modern Spirituality:
TV Website:
Master Charles Cannon:
Bobbie Garvey, Managing Director, Synchronicity Foundation,, +1 (757) 644-3400 Ext: 3389, [email protected]
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