The Birth of the Glittergram™ New Domestic site: Sends Glitter to Friends or Enemies
Cincinnati, OH (PRWEB) January 18, 2015 -- The Glitter Guys, LLC., announce the birth of the official Glittergram™ an exclusive United States based service promising customers the ability to anonymously send greeting cards packed full of glitter with a pre-printed note to a person of their choice. The Glittergram™ is sure to be a hit from friends to glittering enemies and everyone in between.
Starting with a United States release only, the Glittergram™ is designed to shower people with a heap of the shiny stuff and a note to really let em’ know how you feel. It’s targeted to allow people to remain employed while letting their current boss know exactly how they feel, letting someone know that they're being thought of, or just sometimes getting even.
Mark Wieczorek stated, “people take life way too seriously, and this is a chance to put a smile on someone’s face. It may be the receivers….and then again, it may be the senders.”
Jim Pepe, handling online marketing stated, “We believe in an age of political correctness, sending an anonymous Glittergram™ allows anyone to let someone know just how they feel towards them. And, something about that is empowering. Think of it as your own Michael Douglas moment from the movie Falling Down.”
Whatever the reason is for sending one, it’s sure to be a hit. With production taking place just outside of Nashville, TN, your Glittergram™ will arrive to its East Coast destination in 2-3 days after shipping and 3-4 days if he’s traveling the west. “We named our logo the ‘GlitterNinja™’ because our method for delivery is somewhat stealthy. Actually, his real name is Tom but that didn’t sound very cool” said Wieczorek.
The website is up and running. As users visit the homepage they are met with falling glitter, some ambient music and a blurb about the business itself. Of course the “GlitterNinja™” stalks the page and there is quite an interesting segment from a Robert Hastings poem known as “The Station” that ties it all together while reflecting the owner’s take on life.
As potential Glittergrammers™ page through the site, they will be pleased with the ease of navigation, the simplicity of the ordering page and the fact that there are two payment options: credit card (directly through the company's merchant provider) or Paypal at checkout. In addition, Glittergrammers™ not only have the option of four pre-printed interior messages, they can add extra glitter for a buck. “Everyone we talked to, in the test phase, about the extra glitter option stated……’uh yea, why wouldn’t I’" stated Wieczorek.
The company currently focuses its distribution to the 50 U.S. States but plans to expand to capture the overseas demand as well. “We have friends and family all over the world that are going nuts over this” Pepe said. “We are currently concentrating on our market stateside while forecasting the demand on an international level to insure that we can secure product. We anticipate our overseas expansion sometime in the late spring.”
About The Glitter Guys, LLC.
The Glitter Guys, LLC is privately owned business and is the brain child of former firefighter, now attorney, Mark Wieczorek and SEO guru Jim Pepe. The idea transpired during a random phone call from a Starbucks coffee location in Cincinnati, Ohio. “I hung up the phone and thought about it for about 10 seconds and literally laughed out loud” says Pepe. The Glitter Guys believe in the mottos: "work hard, play hard", "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" and that "the groundhog couldn’t find his shadow in the Mojave desert because he’s a FREAKING GORUNDHOG!" "So, don’t get mad….get even! Glittergram™ someone today!" exclaims Wieczorek.
For more information and a ton of fun visit:
Mark Wieczorek, Glitter Guys LLC,, +1 (513) 317-5987, [email protected]
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