The Communication Leadership Exchange Creates Peer-to-Peer Program for Professional Communicators
Aliso Viejo, CA (PRWEB) November 21, 2013 -- Great minds don’t always think alike, which is why the Communication Leadership Exchange has created a new program that pairs experienced professionals for peer review opportunities and peer-to-peer mentoring. Called “Peer Exchange,” the new program streamlines the process of finding professional peers in communications who can provide the kind of help you need just when you need it most.
The Communication Leadership Exchange (“The Exchange”) is a non-profit professional organization that attracts seasoned strategic communication professionals interested in sharing best practices in internal and external communications. The new Peer Exchange program is available to any Exchange member and includes two categories: Peer Review and Peer Connection.
Peer Review creates a two-way channel for members to find other members willing to take a look at a strategy, a message platform, a crisis response plan, or some other written or digital material they are developing. Exchange members simply fill out a form to request a review of communication materials from other communication experts. Members can also offer to be a Peer Reviewer for other members. “The value of Peer Review is that members can easily connect with each other to get or receive timely, relevant and knowledgeable feedback from a professional peer,” said Tracy McKee, one of The Exchange’s long-time members and former board president.
Peer Connection creates a way for members to find other members who may be seeking some guidance on career moves, business ideas or personal development goals. Peer Connection will match members who are willing to share advice with other members in search of some professional perspective. “The channel flows both ways,” McKee said. “Members may seek help from other members and then return the favor by offering to help guide another member pondering a challenge, idea or opportunity. Even the most seasoned professional could use a little advice or career guidance sometimes.”
About The Communication Leadership Exchange
Since 1955, the Communication Leadership Exchange has been helping seasoned professionals share best practices in organizational communication. The Exchange is an active, lively and tightly knit group of senior-level communicators. Representing organizations of all sizes, from the one-person consultancy to the Fortune 500 corporations, our communicators tackle strategic issues daily, often solving them with assistance or advice from a colleague. To learn more, please visit:, call 866-463-6226 or email mailto:info(at)thecommunicationexchange(dot)org.
Fred Droz, The Communication Exchange,, +1 866-463-6226, [email protected]
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