The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International announces Global Advisory Panel on the Future of Nursing sponsors
Indianapolis, IN (PRWEB) January 29, 2015 -- The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) announced today the founding sponsors of the Global Advisory Panel on the Future of Nursing (GAPFON). They are:
• Pfizer
• Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
• National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
GAPFON — a panel of international health and nurse leaders — was convened in March 2014 to establish a voice and vision for the future of nursing, with the overall goal of advancing global health. Key issues identified include the need for reform, advocacy, and innovations in leadership, policy, practice, education, and work environments.
“Pfizer is proud to be a founding sponsor of GAPFON,” said Pfizer External Medical Affairs Senior Director Paula DeCola, MSc, RN. “Amplifying the voice of the nursing profession is essential to advancing global health and as such, is consistent with Pfizer’s efforts to improve public health and patient outcomes around the world.”
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Dean Patricia Davidson, PhD, MEd, RN, FAAN, said, “Today’s nurses are full partners and leaders in the health care process. They are the bridge between patients and the health care system, and this advisory panel is an extraordinary and timely collaboration to strategically advance nursing education, research, and policy in order to have greater impact on the quality of health care globally.”
NCSBN Chief Executive Officer Kathy Apple, MS, RN, FAAN, said, “NCSBN is honored to partner and collaborate with STTI in support of this important initiative to advance global health outcomes.”
The funding contributed by Pfizer, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, and NCSBN supports meetings with government, education, and health care leaders from every global region to provide recommendations and develop strategies regarding GAPFON initiatives. The input received at these regional meetings will assist GAPFON in establishing interprofessional partnerships and collaborations, thereby strengthening nursing’s voice, vision, and role in advancing world health.
“We have never felt more deeply the need for a unified voice and vision for the future of nursing worldwide,” said STTI President Hester C. Klopper, PhD, MBA, RN, RM, FANSA. “Pfizer, Johns Hopkins, and NCSBN are providing GAPFON with support critical to move this initiative boldly into the future, which will ultimately improve global health.”
Upcoming GAPFON Regional Meetings
STTI will host three GAPFON regional meetings with government, education, and health care leaders in 2015. The GAPFON Middle East regional meeting will be held in Amman, Jordan, 20-21 April 2015, in conjunction with a meeting of the Jordanian Nursing Council.
The GAPFON Asia regional meeting will take place in Seoul, South Korea, 15-16 June 2015, in collaboration with the Korean Nurses Association.
The GAPFON Caribbean and Latin/North America meetings are scheduled for San Juan, Puerto Rico, 17-18 July and 20-21 July 2015 respectively, in conjunction with STTI’s 26th International Nursing Research Congress.
For more information on GAPFON, including the upcoming regional meetings, please visit
About the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI)
The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is advancing world health and celebrating nursing excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service. Founded in 1922, STTI has more than 135,000 active members in more than 85 countries. Members include practicing nurses, instructors, researchers, policymakers, entrepreneurs and others. STTI’s 499 chapters are located at 695 institutions of higher education throughout Armenia, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, England, Ghana, Hong Kong, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Malawi, Mexico, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Swaziland, Sweden, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, the United States, and Wales. More information about STTI can be found online at
Karen Hurt, Bohlsen Group, +1 (317) 602-7137 Ext: 2044, [email protected]
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