The Miracle Foundation Launches Unique Mother's Day Campaign
Austin, TX (PRWEB) March 20, 2014 -- There are millions of orphaned children in the developing world, many of whom languish in sub-standard institutions without access to basic food, clean water, clothing, schooling and medical care. That’s why The Miracle Foundation, a non-profit organization that empowers orphans to realize their full potential by turning orphanages into places where children thrive, is launching its unique Mother’s Day Campaign. The 501(c)(3) charity, which revolutionizes the way orphanages are run, funded and managed, hopes to raise $100,000 with its campaign by May 11th to fund its 10th orphanage in India, thereby securing happy childhoods for a new group of orphans.
“This Mother’s Day, instead of giving her flowers, candy, or dinner at a nice restaurant, we invite you to honor your Mom by spending the same amount of money in a much more meaningful way, one that gives children without parents a real childhood,” said Caroline Boudreaux, Founder of The Miracle Foundation. “Participating in our campaign will engage both of you in the lives of less fortunate children in the developing world. What better way to pay tribute to your mother than by donating to those who don’t have one?”
To honor a Mom, gift givers simply visit There, they can make a tax-deductible donation in the name of their mother or other special woman in their lives, which will go towards the $100,000 goal. The gift-giver will receive an email with a special message they can forward to their mother, and she will be honored on the walls of the new orphanage, among the names of all the mothers in whose name this new orphanage will be dedicated.
“We believe in quality over quantity, in supporting the whole child and breaking the cycle of poverty. The new Mother’s Day campaign represents a meaningful new way that every person can get involved and honor a mother at the same time,” added Caroline Boudreaux, Founder of The Miracle Foundation. “Helping children go from hopeless and head-down, to empowered and standing-tall, with bright futures ahead of them, is one of the most fulfilling endeavors in the world.”
Launched on Mother’s Day in 2000, The Miracle Foundation turns struggling, institutional orphanages into stable, loving, nurturing homes where children can thrive and truly change the story of their lives. The Austin, TX-based organization partners with existing orphanages to implement its proven and systematic method for providing a home where the fundamental needs and rights of growing children are met, from the day they arrive until the day they graduate into adulthood.
The Miracle Foundation is unique in that its metric-driven method is measurable, scalable, and transparent, guarding against corruption and ensuring that all donations go directly into nurturing and transforming the lives of the children they serve.
"The Miracle Foundation proves that one person can make a difference," said Shelley Seale, donor. "I have witnessed first-hand what my monthly donation can do to change the lives of many. I’ve traveled to India and visited the orphanages and have seen the difference my investment makes in orphans’ lives. We are empowering children to be the best that they can be."
The Miracle Foundation has been honored with the highest possible rating of four stars by Charity Navigator, an independent organization that evaluates U.S. charities’ effectiveness and financial transparency:
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About The Miracle Foundation The Miracle Foundation is an Austin, TX-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that transforms the lives of orphan children and empowers them to reach their full potential by revolutionizing the way orphanages are run, funded and managed. Launched on Mother’s Day in 2000, The Miracle Foundation partners with existing orphanages to implement its proven and systematic method that turns struggling, institutional orphanages into stable, loving, nurturing homes where children can thrive and truly change the story of their lives. The organization is implementing a world-changing idea for orphans everywhere, centered on its “12 Rights of an Orphan Child” philosophy. Currently, the Miracle Foundation supports nine orphanages in rural India, with plans to be in 14 orphanages by the end of 2014.
Jeffrey Salzgeber, The Miracle Foundation,, (512) 743-2659, [email protected]
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