The Splendors and Miseries of Workaholics: PsychTests’ Study Reveals The Unexpected Downside of Being A Workaholic
Montreal, Canada (PRWEB) January 31, 2015 -- There are some ’strengths‘ that sound like they’re an asset, but in reality, should raise a red flag when brought up in a job interview. These include “I’m a perfectionist,” or “I can multi-task.” Researchers at PsychTests recommended adding one more to the list: “I’m a workaholic.”
Having collected data from 1,385 people who took their Type A Personality Test, researchers at PsychTests focused their attention on self-proclaimed workaholics. Although a seemingly admirable trait, being a workaholic poses several disadvantages according to PsychTests’ latest study.
When a job candidate proudly professes that he or she is a “workaholic,” there is much more to this response than employers may realize. On the one hand, workaholics are dedicated, determined, and get things done. Unfortunately, they’re also more likely to find that their social life as well as their mental and physical health suffers as a result.
According to PsychTests’ study:
• 86% of workaholics push themselves to accomplish their goals.
• 65% take work home with them.
• 63% hate the idea of being considered an average performer.
• 62% feel uneasy when they’re not doing something productive.
• 52% eat on the run.
• 76% of workaholics consider it essential to have a job position that is well-respected.
Reading these statistics, some employers might think: “So what’s the problem? This is exactly the kind of person I want working for my company.”
Workaholism has a downside, and it happens to outweigh the pros:
• 46% find that their life is too stressful.
• 73% have trouble unwinding at the end of the day.
• 56% feel over-worked.
• 64% feel like they don’t have enough time to accomplish their goals.
• 73% get angry at themselves when they don’t finish everything they wanted to do.
• 68% said that they can’t tolerate people who slow them down.
• 68% compare themselves to others.
• 67% feel like they’re constantly rushing to get somewhere.
• 63% would rather deal with problems on their own than ask others for help.
• 60% tend to be over competitive.
• 60% are impatient.
• 58% feel tense.
• 49% have trouble falling asleep.
• 47% overbook themselves.
“It’s important that we make something clear: working overtime or taking work home is fine every once in a while. The problem lies with those who do this on a consistent basis,” explains Dr. Jerabek, president of PsychTests. “So if you’re a workaholic and proud of it, you may very well break records and end up as Employee of the Month. What is more likely, however, is that you will continue to neglect your family and friends, and your support network will shrink. Workaholics have neither the time nor the patience for hobbies and relaxation. They don’t have time to spend in nature, no time to play, no time to let their hair down and just have fun. Their mind is always racing, and they consider sleep to be a waste of time. If they do exercise, they approach it as yet another task.”
The result? The stress and constant pressure to perform well in absolutely everything results in a build-up of fatigue, resentment and frustration. Workaholics’ adrenaline-fueled creativity runs dry, since they are just too sleep-deprived. They start snapping at their coworkers. They take it out on their direct reports. People hate working with them or for them. They fail to deliver on time because there are simply not enough hours in the day to cater to their overbooked schedule.
At some point, the workaholic’s mind and body will say “That’s enough.” This could mean ending up on sick leave from a massive burnout, or other stress-related health problems. This leaves both the employee and the company at a serious disadvantage. Nobody wins.
“Top performers are well-rounded hard workers who have a life outside of work and who come in rested," concludes Dr. Jerabek. "So the next time you hear a candidate claim that their biggest strength is that they work so darn hard, do a double-take. If it’s true, consider it a liability. And if they are trying to pull your leg by presenting a ‘strength’ as a weakness, it may be a sign of things to come. Either way, you would be better off finding a candidate who works hard but keeps his life in balance.”
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PsychTests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1996. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts (see The company’s research division, Plumeus Inc., is supported in part by Research and Development Tax Credit awarded by Industry Canada.
Ilona Jerabek, PsychTests AIM Inc.,, +1 514-745-3189 Ext: 112, [email protected]
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