The Widower’s Journey – New Book Gives Men a Playbook to Restart Their Lives
ORLANDO, Fla. (PRWEB) June 13, 2017 -- The Widower’s Journey: Helping Men Rebuild After Their Loss, addresses the needs of the 2.7 million widowers in the U.S., and even more worldwide. The guidebook fills an important gap in the self-help genre by addressing how widowers can move through their grief and start over after the death of their wives. Written by retired bank executive turned widowers' advocate, Herb Knoll, with contributor sociologist Deborah Carr, Ph.D., and Editor Robert L. Frick, the 226-page book is available in paperback, Kindle, tablet, smartphone and computer versions from Amazon.
“Upon the passing of my wife, Michelle, I was shocked when I couldn’t find any books to help me deal with my grief, and to manage day-to-day challenges,” said Knoll. “I wanted a guide on how I could survive, after losing my love to pancreatic cancer in 2008. I was devastated and searching for reasons and for ways to want to go on living. I set about creating that resource for others, and after nine years it’s aptly titled The Widower’s Journey.”
During his 30+ years as a bank executive, Knoll was known as a man who could get things done. Yet, the death of his wife stopped him in his tracks. The more Knoll learned about the plight of fellow widowers, from their high suicide rates to physical and emotional problems; the more he was driven to write a guidebook to serve them. With 420,000 new widowers in the U.S. each year, Knoll felt someone needed to write a book for them, and that person was him.
After nine years of research and writing, The Widower’s Journey has evolved into THE resource for helping men transition after the death of their spouse. Knoll reached out to more than 40 widowers, a team of 15 subject matter experts, including Dr. Deborah Carr, former chair of Sociology department at Rutgers University and interim director of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research. All agreed the loss of a spouse is a life-changing event, one that deeply affects widowers until they heal and learn to adjust.
“It’s a fact, men tend to suffer alone. Early on they were told boys don’t cry. As a result, widowers tend to hold everything in and that’s how the trouble begins,” says Dr. Carr, who joins the faculty of Boston University this summer. “This important guidebook provides men with clear steps for tackling practical issues that they’ll encounter as widowers, while also offering sound advice, support, and inspiration to help them manage their emotional pain and to ultimately find happiness again.”
The Widower’s Journey tackles tough questions and provides advice on topics including:
- Processing grief and loneliness
- Staying healthy during stressful times
- Managing a career while coping with loss
- Drawing strength from your faith
- Reentering the dating world, sex, and remarriage
- Solving financial and legal problems
- Preserving your late partner’s memory for yourself, family, and friends
- Examining how society contributes to the plight of widowers and how society needs to contribute to their healing
For more information or to purchase the book, visit
About the Widowers Support Network
The Widowers Support Network (WSN) was founded in 2014 by Herb Knoll. Comprised of widowers helping widowers, its mission is to comfort and aid widowers and those who love them. Its slogan is “May all widowers honor the life of their deceased wife by living theirs.” The Widower’s Journey: Helping Men Rebuild After Their Loss is the network’s primary guidebook of helpful information. WSN’s Knoll and book have been featured in print and TV media. In addition, the book inspired playwright, Neal Radice, to pen the play “I’m Fine,” which debuted on April 20, 2017 in Buffalo, New York at the Alleyway Theatre and was recently awarded the Emmanuel Fried Award for Outstanding New Play. WSN addresses the risks and challenges widowers face as well as the methods and best practices to use to deal with them on the WSN website, blog, email alerts, Facebook, and Twitter. For more information or to purchase the book, visit
Herb Knoll, For Widowers Support Network,, +1 (615) 579-8136, [email protected]
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